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Stock down 24% pre-market on halting Alzheimer’s drug trial

This company began bleeding all its good management talent 4 or 5 years ago. Soon after, all the good sales talent left to pursue other MS opportunities or via idiotic layoffs suggested by ZS Associates. Let’s face it, the only thing left was Alzheimer’s, and now it’s gone. This company desperately needs a real, big time Biotech company to buy them out, lay off who is left, and have real Biotech salespeople and management control what assets they have left.

just imagine your the rep who has to continually wake up and do their job everyday knowing every person that calls on the same doctors has it 10x easier than you do. Biogen used to be that company 2-5 years ago.

Now it’s the biggest collapse in pharma history and good ol’ Alisha is at the helm. Her fault or not that psycho has the worst luck in industry. Follow her and you follow the unemployment line.


A line of losers from top to bottom. Any of you that stay I’d never hire in a million years. Just shows me what a complacent terd you are.

Not sure what's worse. The position that Biogen is in right now, or this sore loser that keeps up on the latest news of a company that they admit 'dissed' their resume. I'd imagine if life was going good for you, you'd not be so bitter.
No. Not bitter. Very happy where I am at. My ex works there and I wouldn't want him to be laid off. Also my dad had a form of Dementia when he died and Altzheimers runs in my family. Biogen was the last hope in this field.

This company began bleeding all its good management talent 4 or 5 years ago. Soon after, all the good sales talent left to pursue other MS opportunities or via idiotic layoffs suggested by ZS Associates. Let’s face it, the only thing left was Alzheimer’s, and now it’s gone. This company desperately needs a real, big time Biotech company to buy them out, lay off who is left, and have real Biotech salespeople and management control what assets they have left.
Correct- please buy us and save at least some of us. Maybe real biotech will keep 50% of us, versus a total collapse

Not sure what's worse. The position that Biogen is in right now, or this sore loser that keeps up on the latest news of a company that they admit 'dissed' their resume. I'd imagine if life was going good for you, you'd not be so bitter.
No. Not bitter. Very happy where I am at. My ex works there and I wouldn't want him to be laid off. Also my dad had a form of Dementia when he died and Altzheimers runs in my family. Biogen was the last hope in this field.

No. Not bitter. Very happy where I am at. My ex works there and I wouldn't want him to be laid off. Also my dad had a form of Dementia when he died and Altzheimers runs in my family. Biogen was the last hope in this field.

Nobody gives a fuck. Stop devulging your business on here. I think you have dementia or you’re looking for sympathy or a lying troll Probably all three.

I feel very sorry for the Alz. team that put so much work into this and will now likely be shown the door. They had a lot of people working on launch and commercial strategy that just don't have a purpose anymore.

Sure wish they had kept the Hemo drugs right now. At least that would be some extra revenue coming in to keep the lights on.

Who wants to bet they sell the Swiss plant next?

just imagine your the rep who has to continually wake up and do their job everyday knowing every person that calls on the same doctors has it 10x easier than you do. Biogen used to be that company 2-5 years ago.

Now it’s the biggest collapse in pharma history and good ol’ Alisha is at the helm. Her fault or not that psycho has the worst luck in industry. Follow her and you follow the unemployment line.


A line of losers from top to bottom. Any of you that stay I’d never hire in a million years. Just shows me what a complacent terd you are.

Agree with a few of these- most certainly, anyone who came from Merck or Novartis. That goes for many at the Director, Sr Director and other levels, Merck, yet to find anyone from there who could actually do what they say they can- true hubris!. Alisha is like the grim reaper, everywhere she goes death lies in her wake- a complete fraud. Dell not much better. So much talent has left this place in the last 3-7 years its astounding. What has remained is mediocrity or recruited incompetents from big pharma.
Confidence without any competence- a illustration that arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand

Nobody gives a fuck. Stop devulging your business on here. I think you have dementia or you’re looking for sympathy or a lying troll Probably all three.
Pricks like you are exactly why the company is going under. You're fight fuck Biogen . Sink away. Hope they fire your spiteful ass first. Go twist your thumbs.

What’s left?

Avonex? No

Tecfidera? Lifeline (no new pts to put on and patent legalities will strike us like every other doom and gloom)

Tysabri? No

Spinraza? “Maybe” until Avexis crushes us

Pipeline? Brutal

So what’s left? M&A. Will happen by end of year

Massive layoffs across sales and marketing

Doom and gloom has struck for the last time. There is no recovery here folks. So sad.

What’s left?

Avonex? No

Tecfidera? Lifeline (no new pts to put on and patent legalities will strike us like every other doom and gloom)

Tysabri? No

Spinraza? “Maybe” until Avexis crushes us

Pipeline? Brutal

So what’s left? M&A. Will happen by end of year

Massive layoffs across sales and marketing

Doom and gloom has struck for the last time. There is no recovery here folks. So sad.

1 TBM per territory. Get out now!

1 TBM per territory. Get out now!

Won’t happen. The losers that are left are the complacent lazy ones. Anyone worth leaving is longer gone. The rest are either folks who have been interviewing and can’t get hired or the ones who sit on their thumbs looking at the walls everyday in their house saying “I’m in until they give me a severance to leave”

Oh and let’s not forget the new batch of hires the past year . Totally unqualified losers that are desperate enough to sign our non compete.


Sorry to hear the news this morning. I hate seeing this sort of stuff happen but are you all really surprised with the results? Your executive team appointed Camille Lee, a complete lug nut, to head up the commercialization of that drug!! What did you expect? She did nothing at Novo (just check that board) and is leaving you in her wake.

another fucked up project supported by Donald Johns' crazy mind. Thank you for nothing!

KG still leading tri state?? Buckle up kids, because you will be roll playing your asses off, that will definitely get more business. Just follow her tenured reps... Oh, that's right, they ALL LEFT. Let me know how many offices she can actually get into to, 'make a difference'. Wait, what?? They don't want to see her anymore?? Biogen, follow the bread crumbs...

Won’t happen. The losers that are left are the complacent lazy ones. Anyone worth leaving is longer gone. The rest are either folks who have been interviewing and can’t get hired or the ones who sit on their thumbs looking at the walls everyday in their house saying “I’m in until they give me a severance to leave”

Oh and let’s not forget the new batch of hires the past year . Totally unqualified losers that are desperate enough to sign our non compete.


Sounds like you are one of the LOSERS that's stuck there. Look at the turn over rate people are waiting till their sabbatical to jump ship.