Still around?

Hey Ram G, show some class!! Your bs about Bio Ref going bankrupt or bought is so unprofessional ! It makes you look like a fool. Why don’t you sell the services your illegal lab( yes we know the $$ that is sent back to India to the Drs families). Good luck.

Deadzo showing so much interest in Accurate only tells how scared are they. The dynamic due with queen bee should be watching their hive. Try to figure out where 2 of you be working. Genetic labs/hospital labs... not looking good for you 2 boys. Retirement will the honorable way but you 2 are a shameless breed. More shoes dropping.

All of sudden a great surge in all these concerns about Accurate are very interesting. So easy to run your mouth like a toilet. Worry about your own deadzo. Stock is getting to a new bottom every day. 401ks cut down to a third from a year ago and you idiots are all concerned about Accurate. As always, it just shows how dysfunctional deadzo is. No genetics, massive cuts in insurance reimbursement, no growth whatsoever, sales rep staying home and more shoes dropping in new year..since no lab is really stupid enough to hire you two bafoons, try getting hurt in the new building during construction. Disability is the only option. Good luck boys...I hear no money left to hire more hand me downs from sad. Wait till you meet HR on a Friday soon.