Stiefel IT staff leave

I was referring to the United States.
I find it funny how people who no longer are employed here pretend to know what is going on based on the here say of one of their friends.
The train left the station and there were a few people who didn't get on board.
You will never get ahead in corporate America by being insubordinate.

This A-hole writes like a wannabe IT manager. Keep it up son GSK will see right through you.
PS Global HQ for GSK is in the UK

Will someone please do somthing!

This woman is an example of what is bad in Stiefel and must be removed from her position of influence. Stiefel has built a reputation in the industry of integrity and honesty both of which this woman insults with her presence.
Why has her boss the EMEA IT Director not sacked her. I think it is time to call for him also to be removed from this position for his incompetence in not doing the right thing!
Name have been removed to protect the GUILTY and to voice the Concerned

NO!- Enough names and accounts. If you are in IT then get the proof yourself. It's all there just ask the right people in the right departments. Then wonder like so many why she has not been sacked.

1 : does it matter who the people are who she did it to?? the fact she read other peoples email to gain infomation for her own good is enough... and
2: it was people in her very close department and above her.. and mr R should have sacked her but the reason he did not, is because he has not got a clue what he is doing himself, let alone what she is supposed to be doing, he see's her as some one he can dump the nasty bits of his job on, and if she can bull her way through each task, then he looks good. plus it looks bad if you have to sack someone you had a big hand in hiring in the first place.

Previous poster here. No, you are still missing the point! Nobody gives two shits about IT! Nobody! IT could cease to exist and NOBODY would give a shit....or two! Get it now? If you are IT, hop on. Oh yeah, and brush your hair once in a while geek.

Previous poster here. No, you are still missing the point! Nobody gives two shits about IT! Nobody! IT could cease to exist and NOBODY would give a shit....or two! Get it now? If you are IT, hop on. Oh yeah, and brush your hair once in a while geek.

Ok so quit reading the IT thread you f**king Jerk !

You know, it is rather ironic that some postings were removed. Wonder why? Who, all of the sudden, is soooo sensitive that they need to edit the threads?

Guess, we'll have to add it again.

The US SDM was let go because she pissed off enough people and was a moron. Yep, moron.