It is concerning to see individuals without the necessary experience leading Marketing initiatives. Take Kerendia as a case in point: the head of Marketing has openly admitted to not completing the essential modules that the sales team must finish. This raises serious doubts about the capacity of someone in that role to develop an effective marketing strategy geared towards growth. Additionally, the close association with Simon, his former chief of staff, highlights a troubling trend where success often appears to be more about connections than actual competence. This issue is further exemplified by various Chief of Staff advancing to higher positions despite a lack of relevant performance under ineffective leaders; we can see this clearly with Market Access, which is overseen by an individual lacking prior experience in that field. It prompts the question: how can the Board overlook the clear need for a rigorous assessment of talent in leadership appointments when the inadequacies are so apparent? Moreover, if there are any doubts, the consistent performance against goals serves as undeniable evidence of the inability to forecast effectively.