Steve Donovan

Yeah, he's still around and shows up on expensive expence trips from time to time. I think he was a part of Ken Rushtons' Scam Team going for those skiing meetings in the french alps. Guess who pays? Yeah, P&G
Wonder if he still takes his rides home on Sabine.......

Yeah, Rushton is the guy Langer bent over for before he left. Bet Hartwig kept Ken because he knew too much. Besides, is it Sabine Asimus you're talking about? Really close to clever that chick... .

Yeah, Rushton is the guy Langer bent over for before he left. Bet Hartwig kept Ken because he knew too much. Besides, is it Sabine Asimus you're talking about? Really close to clever that chick... .

Lol. Amazing what you find by searching the right keywords. Yes, it was Sabine Asimus. She later left P&G to a concessionaire and got sacked soon after. (Nuance Trading). She’s now in a marketing position for some Village shopping company (Bicester?).
Whatever, bullshit baffles brains!