Diane routinely greased Lori's palm with bacon she lifted from the Golden Corral buffet. Lori reciprocated by turning a blind eye to Diane -- which, in fairness, was kinder on the eyeballs than actually looking at her face.
Diane routinely greased Lori's palm with bacon she lifted from the Golden Corral buffet. Lori reciprocated by turning a blind eye to Diane -- which, in fairness, was kinder on the eyeballs than actually looking at her face.
Has Larry stepped up and delivered on his promise to help war veterans. Seems the most manly thing to do with so many Cerberus putzes with military service in their background.
Check it out, Cerberus is filled with girly boys from Ivy league schools and still connected to mommies apron strings ! Send in the Marines so they can kickass these arrogant punks!
In due time he plans to pay his debt to society by joining the Western Pennsylvania National Guard. Supposedly he dreams about becoming a tank driver or Humvee service technician. Too bad he went to MIT because the Army shows a preferecne for Cal Poly or Strayer University grads.