
Speaking of 45k. I saw a sweet stryker/ascent rep who took someone's business walking around the OR today with a sweet nose ring, fakies, and a neck tat. To imagine anyone on this board complaining about a reduction in pay or tough comp plan, when this is your competition is laughable.

I guarantee you it's harder than any other J&J job. You just don't know what you don't know. You dirty Peter puffer, go suck a bag of dicks.

I know. You gotta collect garbage out of those bins.

It will probably be hard to make any $$ now that they pulled the Ethicon energy products out of your bag. Where else will you guys go to cannibalize other JNJ OEM business? You certainly can't convert any Stryker accounts.

Harder? You ride the coat tails of both jnj and covidien. You let those reps do all the work with the surgeons, residents, and staff, then you slither in an offer a sweat shop version of the product and a low ball price.

The only thing hard about that job is the fact that other reps don't respect you, and 95% of surgeons not only don't respect you, they don't even know you.