The pollster is true about the ADA and Steglatro. Steglatro dominated the discussions at the ADA and all the SGLT2 companies were in discussion as to how to stop the Steglatro growth train. Steglatro is revolutionizing the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. Take a look at the latest Gator numbers and you can easily see why the competitors are in awe of what this blockbuster is doing and will continue to do. Congratulations Merck
Were any of you even at ADA 2019? Stagnatro was barely mentioned outside of Merck’s booth area. Invokana was the SGLT2 that stole the show. While oral semaglutide took the innovation in diabetes prize. And now Farxiga is hitting it big. Steglatro has nothing going for it, no CV risk/ death reduction, no CKD reduction, no nothing, just glycemic control (with diet and exercise(!)). Wouldn’t be surprised if they sold the diabetes franchise to Sanofi. But really, Steglatro is a big fat nothing