
As you said nobody cares about CV data. They should. With the experienced salesforce with all these great relationships intact Steglatro should do well. My boss has had very positive reactions to message and says with the better than average managed care positioning as well as the fact that Januvia is so well written, Steglatro should be a walk in the park
Januvia has roughly maintained its revenues because it was first to market and the price has been raised about 18 times. If it had been fourth to market, it wouldn't sell 1/10 of its current revenue. Steg is already a flop and it won't save a single job. The entire PC sales force is toast before the end of 2019.

My manager keeps telling me that if MRK gets some access quick on PBM’s we will be ok, but with most of the sales force not even selling STEG yet, I am wary. But at least it will give us something more to talk about than tired old Januvia reruns...