Stay Away From this Piece of Shit Company

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I'd say you're on to something...

How cute, you're answering your own posts again bigot.

Jealous that you have choices? You crack me up! We all know what your "choices" are: 1. Unemployment, 2. 20K/year with cornerstone, 3. working at Burger King, or 4. being that annoying telemarketer that calls at dinner every night.

Like I said, too much of a coward to let us know which exciting choice you will be making. Trust me, I know that regardless of what you want, you will be riding the unemployment line in the very near future. I just wish I could be there to laugh my ass off at you when you get what you so richly deserve.

Best of luck! :)

Is wasn't me, Rumpy. looks like your"superior" powers of reasoning are another of your deficiencies.

And he still doesn't give an answer. I will just re-state the obvious then:

Jealous that you have choices? You crack me up! We all know what your "choices" are: 1. Unemployment, 2. 20K/year with cornerstone, 3. working at Burger King, or 4. being that annoying telemarketer that calls at dinner every night.

Like I said, too much of a coward to let us know which exciting choice you will be making. Trust me, I know that regardless of what you want, you will be riding the unemployment line in the very near future. I just wish I could be there to laugh my ass off at you when you get what you so richly deserve.

Best of luck!

Why do you call him “Rumpy”?

Rumpy has been posting on a number of CRTX threads for quite awhile now. In one of many threads he started, called “65 cents/share”, he railed against CRTX, continued his name calling, and eventually (when confronted) stooped to personal insults. At one point he said he porked the shit out of my “old lady” and, since I’ve always heard that porking is associated with anal sex, I asked if he actually liked porking old ladies and was the object to get the shit out of them. Rumpy replied with an emphatic “no, but I’ll make an exception with your wife”. I then asked why, because he claimed to have already porked the shit out of her. I thought maybe “Rumpy’s” propensities might mean he is a closet homosexual (since he likes “porking”). Rumpy seems so willing to call me, as well as other people who continued to work at Critical, such names as; dicks, losers, bitches, beeoch, assholes, and motherfuckers that I thought a derogatory reference to homosexuals, the term “Rump Ranger” which morphed into Rumpy, was particularly appropriate. Rumpy has worn the brand well; he responds to the name and continues to post regularly on CRTX threads (he even appears on Cornerstone’s now) with all the vim an vigor of a prepubescent boy.

And he still doesn't give an answer. I will just re-state the obvious then:

Jealous that you have choices? You crack me up! We all know what your "choices" are: 1. Unemployment, 2. 20K/year with cornerstone, 3. working at Burger King, or 4. being that annoying telemarketer that calls at dinner every night.

Like I said, too much of a coward to let us know which exciting choice you will be making. Trust me, I know that regardless of what you want, you will be riding the unemployment line in the very near future. I just wish I could be there to laugh my ass off at you when you get what you so richly deserve.

Best of luck!

Still not answering the question. Damn, bigot, that has got to be some kind of record.

Rumpy, I am not the Bigot BTW, do you get the feeling that people from this company are trying have an intervention with you, to save you from your sad and miserable self? I do not normally post here but like to catch up with my former colleagues from time to time. I was laid off too a couple years ago, but still think highly of all the people I worked with. I check out this board from time to time to see what is going on and lately all I see is you and your hater words. There is no need dude. I won't bash you, just tell you to move on and let go of the past, I have. I am very happy now and maybe if you can stop being so bitter you would be too.

Rumpy, I am not the Bigot BTW, do you get the feeling that people from this company are trying have an intervention with you, to save you from your sad and miserable self? I do not normally post here but like to catch up with my former colleagues from time to time. I was laid off too a couple years ago, but still think highly of all the people I worked with. I check out this board from time to time to see what is going on and lately all I see is you and your hater words. There is no need dude. I won't bash you, just tell you to move on and let go of the past, I have. I am very happy now and maybe if you can stop being so bitter you would be too.

Not the bigot..................RIGHT!

Bigot, get back in that line! :)

It took you only 45 minutes to reply. No, I am not the OP and you can choose to believe it or not. We all know you do not even have a job. Again, I'll say move on with your life sick little Rumpy, everyone else has!

It took you only 45 minutes to reply. No, I am not the OP and you can choose to believe it or not. We all know you do not even have a job. Again, I'll say move on with your life sick little Rumpy, everyone else has!

Look who is getting upset...must have hit a nerve. I have a little thing called an aircard. Lets me get on the internet wherever I want. I have a job. You, on the other hand, well, not so much. In a couple of weeks you will be out working for cornerstone or out working the corner. Either way, looks like I'm the smart one :)

OK Rumpster lets all get this straight... you check CP with your aircard in tow every 15 minutes to an hour to see how you can spread your cheer on the CRTX board. No wonder you didn't cut it here! I guess you are the SMART one now aren't you! No one would even want you in their POD...did I hit a nerve? RTR CP obsessed nut job!

OK Rumpster lets all get this straight... you check CP with your aircard in tow every 15 minutes to an hour to see how you can spread your cheer on the CRTX board. No wonder you didn't cut it here! I guess you are the SMART one now aren't you! No one would even want you in their POD...did I hit a nerve? RTR CP obsessed nut job!

Oh bigot, are you one to really lecture me on obsession? That's a laugh! You, who answer me within an hour no matter when I post? Get real!

Besides, I'm in a pod and proud of it. Less work and more pay than crtx or cornerstone. Who's the dumb one now? Work smarter, not harder. Got it, ace?

Oh bigot, are you one to really lecture me on obsession? That's a laugh! You, who answer me within an hour no matter when I post? Get real!

Besides, I'm in a pod and proud of it. Less work and more pay than crtx or cornerstone. Who's the dumb one now? Work smarter, not harder. Got it, ace?

I would think you could recognize my writing by now, here's my only post for the day, enjoy all you Rumpy vans!

PS: To poster 542, I think Rumpy has his cell phone set to alert him to any posts on the Critical board.

Where did Rumpy come from?

Rumpy was born a poor crack baby and immediately placed up for adoption (sorry if you didn’t already know this, Rumpy). His naive (but loving) adoptive parents believed their love and attention could overcome the any obstacles Rumpy was to face and they happily prepared their adoptive newborn for the world. As Rumpy grew into a toddler his young and naive (but loving) adoptive parents began to notice an anger in Rumpy that couldn’t be suppressed. For example, when he was three Rumpy couldn’t figure out how to pull the string on his new See and Say like the other kids so he threw it against the wall. And once, at a birthday party, Rumpy got so frustrated and angry trying to blow out the candles that he literally blew a capillary in his eye (just in time for him to dress up as Red-eyed Pete for Halloween). In his little toddler voice Rumpy would spew out such language that none of the other parents would let their toddlers play with him.

His naive (but loving) adoptive parents hoped that once Rumpy was in pre-school he’d learn some socialization skills but on the very first day Rumpy’s parents received a call to come pick him up. It seems Rumpy became so angry and destructive when he couldn’t eat everyone else’s cookies that he threw the whole tray at the teacher and called her a stupid doo-doo head. The pre-school suggested that maybe Rumpy could benefit from the new drug treatments for attention deficit disorder and recommended he be evaluated for treatment. Despite the advice, Rumpy’s naïve (but loving) adoptive parents again hoped that their love and attention could overcome any obstacles Rumpy was to face.

All through elementary school, middle school and high school Rumpy’s anger and frustration caused him to lash out at others. When he got a D on a spelling test in kindergarten it was because the teacher was a “pooh-for-brains” and when a middle school project received a failing score it escalated to the teacher being an “ass-wipe”. Teachers kept passing Rumpy along, though, hoping that he wouldn’t have to repeat their classes. Nothing anybody could say or do helped Rumpy; he often said, during his senior year, “Me smarter than everybody, me no need help, me and my buddies show you!”. What made it sad was that Rumpy didn’t even have buddies, except the ones his naive (but loving) adoptive parents paid to play with him. They even gave a girl from across town $100.00 to go to the prom with him because nobody at his own school would (especially after word got out about the locker room incident where he tried to “ride” the laundry hamper).

Finally Rumpy graduated from high school, his grades couldn’t get him into a 4 year college but the local community college finally accepted a donation from Rumpy’s naive (but loving) adoptive parents and allowed Rumpy to attend. Rumpy did alright in the remedial classes, after all they used the same text books he had in high school. He was able to bring his GPA up to where a 4 year college started letting him audit some of their classes and eventually accepted him into their program (this cost his naive (but loving) adoptive parents a $40,000 donation, but at least it was tax deductable).

Rumpy didn’t have too many problems in college, probably because they made him take on-line courses and, since he lived in his naive (but loving) adoptive parent’s basement, he didn’t have much contact with the outside world. On the day Rumpy received his diploma in the mail his naive (but loving) adoptive parents cheered; finally Rumpy could go out and make his own way in the world. Rumpy landed a job with a big pharma company that liked to hire kids right out of college. They molded him into one of their own; he learned to check the box, deliver one liners and drop off samples as well as anyone. In fact, he was so good at checking the box that his manager commented he was like an idiot savant (his pod nicked named him “The Idiot” for short). The only problem was that when sales were good Rumpy claimed all the credit and when sales were bad he blamed the rest of the pod.

One day a recruiter called Rumpy, it seems someone recommended Rumpy (it turned out it was one of Rumpy’s own pod-mates, go figure) for a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a new bio-tech company called Critical Therapeutics. Rumpy got an interview, he presented himself as a “Specialty Rep” and the star of the pod; he claimed he worked harder and longer than the rest of the pod and, well, you know the rest of the story.

In short Rumpy got hired by Critical, failed to perform in less than 7 months, and was “let go”. He did managed to snag another pod-job, however, and now comes back to entertain us with the personality traits that even his naive (but loving) adoptive parents couldn’t help him overcome.

Poor Rumpy, so obsessed with me and CRTX he had to get an "air-card" so he could post throughout the day.

Bigot, who are you fooling? You are so obsessed with me that your life revolves around me. If I make a post on a weekend, you respond in 15 minutes or less. You must hang around your computer all weekend, hoping I will say something. Sad, very sad. And your last post - pretty boring. At least if you are going to put that kind of effort into something make it good. Glad to see you came home extra early so you could write your novel...who are we fooling, it's not like you work anyway.

So I put the question to you again: what's it going to be - cornerstone's big 20K/year package or the unemployment line. Better make your choice soon before they make it for you. :)

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