Stay Away From this Piece of Shit Company

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I am willing to give the guy the opportunity before I make any judgements. Let's see if he makes any positive changes that will impact us before we complain about him.

They have been trying to do that ....who would by this company now...and why would we sell with the value so low....

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We??? haha, you don't have a say in it dumbass. Should have jumped ship like all the smart ones did months ago. You have no one to blame but yourself.

give Frank Thomas a chance. I met him and he seemed earnest, bright and interested in the employees.

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Well, I'm quick-witted, articulate and love going to bull fights on acid. Maybe I should be the CEO!! If those are your reasons someone whose NEVER been President of anything is O.K. with you then I hope you have higher standards for your choice of husband/wife!

They have been trying to do that ....who would by this company now...and why would we sell with the value so low....

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We??? haha, you don't have a say in it dumbass. Should have jumped ship like all the smart ones did months ago. You have no one to blame but yourself.

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And we have your parents to blame for having to deal with a douchebag like you

Frank is very bright but he has no idea on how to run a company. Has he ever lead a sales force? NO! Has he been a rep in the industry? NO! Does he have good leaders around him that will help shape the sales force? NO! Would we be better of with Rick or Anne? HELL NO! Is he the right person to be leading if we get sold? YES! Is he over his head? YES! But is he bright? YES! Do you think Anne or Rick are shopping? I bet my paycheck their resumes are out there!

Bright and a quarter will get you a phone call. If the company is to turn around the direction of the sales force ( as if there ever was one) will have to change. It must be led by someone we believe in, someone we trust, someone you'd work 'till 9 p.m. for. That person is as yet unidentified. We are going backwards my friend and the fall will kill you!!

They have been trying to do that ....who would by this company now...and why would we sell with the value so low....

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We??? haha, you don't have a say in it dumbass. Should have jumped ship like all the smart ones did months ago. You have no one to blame but yourself.

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And we have your parents to blame for having to deal with a douchebag like you

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Yeah, I am laughing all the way to the bank...while you are stuck on a sinking ship I have a job that pays more money and a boss that is great to work for. Well, I guess I win that pissing contest, huh fuckface??

This thread should go in the Cafepharma Hall of Fame. Look at the number of hits and posts. Awesome! Plus, the title says it all. If we had been smart and taken that advice we would all be in a better place. Frank's first offical act should be to read each and every post on this thread...

Well at least Rick did not get the job. Maybe Frank can get the sales force motivated by doing things in a positive way for a change.

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Don't you get it??? Frank can be Polly f-in Anna, it doesn't matter. Anne, Rick and Mike F. make the decisions in Lexington. Period. And as long as those 3 geniuses are in charge things will continue to deteriorate. I mean really, when you announce a savings of $16 million dollars the stock should go up. Except that the street doesn't believe there is stability and leadership here. The street is very wise.

Well I guess we are all r*****s. Why don't the "smart" people that left, at the very least, tell us where they went and what they are selling? Help out a couple a dumb fucks that are down and give a chump a hand. Much more helpful than gloating. And it's good karma working for you brutha.

Agreed. Don't do it here but call your friends and help them out. We are so spread out that we are not competing for jobs in the same territories. We are in a great position to help each other out. This is what must be done to save us all.I myself call anyone who has resigne immediately to congratulate thema and ask if they have any jobs for me!

Why not reach out to the people that were layed off and don't have jobs yet. There are plenty of us that could use some help. You still have jobs and benefits for your families. We don't. Unemployment and COBRA does not cut it. We should all be helping out each other.

You're a dick, I'm sure your "great" new boss will find that out soon. Anyone who would keep returning and posting to a "sinking ship" company board to gloat is the same type of person who would find enjoyment in pouring gasoline on a cat's ass and lighting it on fire.

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