Stay away from Sun

This is 100% accurate.
However, before data was released, I personally heard SL (yes, SL) and FL say “it’s a dog”.

With that said, FL and ST, as well as others, sat across the interview table from RMs and told a bullsh*t story. The RMs, desperate to get a job, accepted, then told the same line of BS to the TMs.

That’s how things roll at unethical companies.

The RM's wanted that $180k base salary so bad that they were willing to lie to anyone. Very sad situation. All involved should be ashamed, but unethical management at unethical companies never think that way.

It's not just happening in Derm.. Opth is getting downright funny as well. The SE director who told candidates that this has such long term potential and promise left for a DM spot. That should tell you something.

This is 100% accurate.
However, before data was released, I personally heard SL (yes, SL) and FL say “it’s a dog”.

With that said, FL and ST, as well as others, sat across the interview table from RMs and told a bullsh*t story. The RMs, desperate to get a job, accepted, then told the same line of BS to the TMs.

That’s how things roll at unethical companies.

I'm not doubting what you say is true. My question is, if FL was saying this drug was a dog (and I have no doubt he did), how can he in good conscience promise 2000 patients in the first 2 weeks, and how can he possibly feel justified in hitting the panic button and beginning the scare tactics? Did he not expect "a dog" to launch like "a dog?" Or, did he not expect to still be here?

I'm not doubting what you say is true. My question is, if FL was saying this drug was a dog (and I have no doubt he did), how can he in good conscience promise 2000 patients in the first 2 weeks, and how can he possibly feel justified in hitting the panic button and beginning the scare tactics? Did he not expect "a dog" to launch like "a dog?" Or, did he not expect to still be here?

Fair questions. He doesn’t have a conscience, and has chosen to do what’s he’s done on the hiring front. I know that firsthand.

As it relates to the sales numbers, my bet is ‘they’ wanted more, and 2000 in two weeks was the lowest number where he could keep his job, for now.

Since you are talking about the Ilumya people I’ll address this. Virtually all of the Managers and TMs were hired before the studies were made public. By the time TMs were being hired Sun managers had been made aware that it had terrible efficacy when compared to all other Interleukin blockers. These managers mislead when hiring reps by using statements that lead them to believe it was comparable. It is isn’t. That force is scrambling to get anyone on drug and will soon find out that the patients won’t stay on drug, since it is so weak. Don’t blame these reps. They were completely lied to and are now stranded at Sun and won’t have jobs this time next year. If anything it shows the regional managers to be what they really are. A bunch of failures and liars.

BS! Here is an article from 2016!!!!! The crappy PASI scores were out then, the idiots who interviewed and took the job obviously were desperate or don’t know how to use GOOGLE!!!!

it’s true. Data was available prior to the interview. FYI everyone knows how to use google a hole. You don’t have to be so dramatic.

Yes the data was available in some fashion. Thus why Sun gave up trying to hire existing derm reps that were able to find and process the data. Sun then went for existing biologic reps with the selling point "there really is no difference between PASI 75 and PASI 90." Just like their sales message. So to those reps that were less in the know, Tildra was sold as comparable.

it’s true. Data was available prior to the interview. FYI everyone knows how to use google a hole. You don’t have to be so dramatic.

Yes the data was available in some fashion. Thus why Sun gave up trying to hire existing derm reps that were able to find and process the data. Sun then went for existing biologic reps with the selling point "there really is no difference between PASI 75 and PASI 90." Just like their sales message. So to those reps that were less in the know, Tildra was sold as comparable.

Wow you all stoop to such lows. Tilden is a good drug. If you are not happy leave! I bet that you are the same reject who is 80% to plan. Go sell something

It’s a dog, period.

Aren’t you a cavalier company man calling out a rep who’s likely 80% to plan.

Now that kind of leadership will get you right to the top here.