The ratios should be 10 % ....A 20000 profile writer is entitled to 100 k a year ; A 10000 Profiler is entitled to 50k a year hence a 10% ratio .. include all the bells and whistles; company car medical insurance; incentive program; perfectly fine... Not bringing in business and getting a fixed salary which increases the ratios ; are not perfectly fine.... $5 dollars a profile &7.50 for new business should be the protocol..Step it up to $10 dollars a profle for new business ; you will see how many of the idd reps will knock on new doors....You want to expand your business; get new business.. This is the equation for success and long term profitability. This is not rocket science. I am not in the medical field at all but do run a successful business that is not recession proof.. Numbers = dollars and dollars =numbers. A1099 is an option to cut costs... A company car ; or stipend ; and a 401k with medical insurance are the bait for this protocol ..Wake up and think... Get your dms out in the field so they can contribute to their territory. Sitting in a house all day doesn't bring in returns.. Get them out in the field and ride with their reps 3-4 days a week