Starting Interview Process

Recently left MDCO - been in industry for 20 years and this was the WORST place to work. PTSD doesn't come close to describing the mental and emotional pain caused. No, I wasn't a sales rep so no disparaging comments about how I couldn't sell anything - that wasn't my role. The issues with this company? To name just a few: Back-stabbing, direspect towards everyone, value proposition means how much can execs put in the bank, the decisions made today get changed again tomorrow, and most of all - CEO is a narcissistic SOB that is intimidating, demeaning and condescending to all the people making him his millions. Have some self worth and don't subject yourself to the nightmare that is MDCO.

Wow! How long were you there?

This post is ridiculous. If you want to leave, just leave, but leave with class. You probably can't sell, that's why you're leaving, but the company is fine. "All" of you that are interviewing are doing so because you're failing to do what you said you'd do when you were hired...just go. Stop blaming everyone else for your inadequacies.

Another suck up EP hard at work on CafePharma. What exactly do you EPs do besides clutter up my passenger seat? Oh, that's right. Conference calls. The biggest joke in pharma (we are NOT device) is the EP field ride and / or weekly conference call. Mine just likes to hear herself talk.

This post is ridiculous. If you want to leave, just leave, but leave with class. You probably can't sell, that's why you're leaving, but the company is fine. "All" of you that are interviewing are doing so because you're failing to do what you said you'd do when you were hired...just go. Stop blaming everyone else for your inadequacies.

"...but the company is fine."

Wanna get away?

"...but the company is fine."

Wanna get away?

Ya, I do want to get away, from the weak upper management and diluted sales force. I guess I'll leave the company in the hands of the obviously very capable IDC and SPC Reps...don't you idiots get it, it's all going, but only the ACC products are worth anything. Keep hoping that Carbavance will save you from your pip's...that product will expire on the shelf. Lucky for me I've always made my number...I won't miss a beat.

Good luck losers.

Ya, I do want to get away, from the weak upper management and diluted sales force. I guess I'll leave the company in the hands of the obviously very capable IDC and SPC Reps...don't you idiots get it, it's all going, but only the ACC products are worth anything. Keep hoping that Carbavance will save you from your pip's...that product will expire on the shelf. Lucky for me I've always made my number...I won't miss a beat.

Good luck losers.

We are all losers. After all, we work for a company that named itself... wait for it...


I am starting the interview process for a Hospital CSM position to sell IONSYS. I'd like to know what to expect as far as the timeline on the hiring process & salary range. Thanks!

It's a great company with excellent leadership and a very bright future. I would quit your current job and go all in on The Medco.