Starner Jones MD = HERO

Why do you keep talking about Fox News moron? Who cares what they say... do YOU think that OBAMA OWNS THE BANKS AND GM because he supported the bailouts??? Yes or No.
Does he get to act as CEO and make decisions about bonuses? Yes or No.
Then tell me the story again about LoopHoles Michael Moore.
Please tell me about how money is ALL of OUR resources to be shared.
This is like debating a child...

You didnt answer my question. I stated that "I" dont believe they should have bonus for those at the banks that came hat in hand begging to the taxpayers in order to keep their doors open.

Now, answer the question, should the GM workers get those bonuses after the company made a profit? Whats your answer punk?

You didnt answer my question. I stated that "I" dont believe they should have bonus for those at the banks that came hat in hand begging to the taxpayers in order to keep their doors open.

Now, answer the question, should the GM workers get those bonuses after the company made a profit? Whats your answer punk?

They get what their bosses say they get... if they don't like it, they are free to look for employment elsewhere. Or better yet, they can become a boss somewhere and make their very own high-level decisions. Now what other meaningless questions do you have?
Oh and by the way, you NEVER answered my questions about your HERO Obama.

They get what their bosses say they get... if they don't like it, they are free to look for employment elsewhere. Or better yet, they can become a boss somewhere and make their very own high-level decisions. Now what other meaningless questions do you have?
Oh and by the way, you NEVER answered my questions about your HERO Obama.

Then you need to reconcile with the folks in the republican party and on Fox News. They had a shitfit over GM bonuses. Why do you care what Obama says about bonuses when the GOP and FNC are trying to run GM?

Then you need to reconcile with the folks in the republican party and on Fox News. They had a shitfit over GM bonuses. Why do you care what Obama says about bonuses when the GOP and FNC are trying to run GM?

I am talking about your elected Mesiah.... you have given him all-power. Now answer the question and quit hiding behind strawmen.

Then you need to reconcile with the folks in the republican party and on Fox News. They had a shitfit over GM bonuses. Why do you care what Obama says about bonuses when the GOP and FNC are trying to run GM?

ONLY Obama, the guy who purchased those businesses, is trying to run GM and the banks... The question that you refuse to answer is SHOULD HE???

Dear Mr. President:

During my shift in the Emergency Room last night, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient whose smile revealed an expensive shiny gold tooth, whose body was adorned with a wide assortment of elaborate and costly tattoos, who wore a very expensive brand of tennis shoes and who chatted on a new cellular telephone equipped with a popular R&B ringtone.

While glancing over her patient chart, I happened to notice that her payer status was listed as "Medicaid"! During my examination of her, the patient informed me that she smokes more than one costly pack of cigarettes every day and somehow still has money to buy pretzels and beer.

And, you and our Congress expect me to pay for this woman's health care? I contend that our nation's "health care crisis" is not the result of a shortage of quality hospitals, doctors or nurses. Rather, it is the result of a "crisis of culture", a culture in which it is perfectly acceptable to spend money on luxuries and vices while refusing to take care of one's self or, heaven forbid, purchase health insurance. It is a culture based in the irresponsible credo that "I can do whatever I want to because someone else will always take care of me".

Once you fix this "culture crisis" that rewards irresponsibility and dependency, you'll be amazed at how quickly our nation's health care difficulties will disappear.



While I completely think Medicaid is not needed it is here. Now I have plans that could do away with it completely but that is a different topic. For those people on Medicaid, ie my money, I should be able to manage their finances and their lifestyles. They should be put on a monitor that alerts me/case mgr, if this person injests alchohol, drugs, smokes, has sex, eats unhealthy foods etc, etc, ect. Also, the case mgr should also have access to their finances/bank accts. so that they can approve or disapprove what their money is being spent on. If they continue to violate the rules of being on Medicaid they are kicked off. If they themselves get off Medicaid/or any other public assistance they can then do whatever they want.

While I completely think Medicaid is not needed it is here. Now I have plans that could do away with it completely but that is a different topic. For those people on Medicaid, ie my money, I should be able to manage their finances and their lifestyles. They should be put on a monitor that alerts me/case mgr, if this person injests alchohol, drugs, smokes, has sex, eats unhealthy foods etc, etc, ect. Also, the case mgr should also have access to their finances/bank accts. so that they can approve or disapprove what their money is being spent on. If they continue to violate the rules of being on Medicaid they are kicked off. If they themselves get off Medicaid/or any other public assistance they can then do whatever they want.

Dude.... that is GREAT. Your answer is absolutely BRILLIANT!!!

And opinions are like turds; everybody drops one or two of them regularly.

Medicaid was in existance before Obama's healthcare plan, so what is the point of writing him on his displeasure that someone showed up in the ER with designer jeans on and a Medicaid card? He and you thought it was clever and only exposed the truth ( not opinion, but truth) that neither one of you know much about the subject. The reform package didnt do anything but tweek it with reimbursement issues.

When he pens a "brilliant" letter about one of those bankers who works for a bailed out bank showing up in the ER after crashing his Lambo he bought with his bonus plopping down his United Healthcare insurance card where he pays next to nothing for, where the bank he works for enjoys a tax deduction in giving it to him, I encourage you to share it with us. Thank you in advance.

This person (and others) just do not get the point: The new healthcare bill will fuel more and more of this attitude of entitlement. If you don't have to pay for it (meaning if the rich pay more than their fair share so the "entitled" get their healthcare free - also known as income redistribution) then there is little or no incentive to make wise choices (which includes taking good care of one's self). This adds additional cost to those that are actually paying taxes. This country is became great because the government protected one's liberty; it is becoming ineffective and destructive because it is trying to control and run everyones' lives. Obama must be defeated before we are so far in debt that we can't afford a military or for the necessary services (police, fire, etc) to actually keep a city/state/country safe and productive. Get with it people. Don't sacrifice our country's future any more than we already have.