how are we going to spin this one
ISI never does recalls. When there is a problem, they try to secretly fix it and then slowly introduce the new device. How no one can see these product changes is beyond me.
You can tell everything is falling apart in-house since the pipeline of product has practically dried up. Instead of releasing new product, they are fixing bad engineering.
Dried up pipeline? Bad engineering? Can you honestly say that w/ a straight face?? I no longer work at Intuitive, but I miss the level of innovation that company provided. The company just launched a brand new system, as well as an innovative new stapler, when was the last time your company came out with something game changing?? Most companies take 5 to 10 years to come out w/ anything new. At Intuitive we were introduced to new products at every national sales meeting (2x/yr). I miss that level of excitement w/ new products. How often does Covidien and Ethicon have recalls and back-orders? ALL. THE. TIME!! Intuitive was by no means a perfect company to work for, but to say they have poor engineering and a dried up pipeline is ignorant. No other company & engineering team in device is able to launch products faster, and w/o issues than Intuitive. This stapler recall is the first new product recall I have witnessed in the last 7 years.
You guys better watch out for olympus…THUNDERBEAT!!
Ethicon is about to mop up on your stapler recall. I watched the robot today for about 5 minutes from the or window. What a piece of shit that thing is. I use don't get it. Huge clunker that costs 2 million. I predict the next Enron collapse
Tell me why I am an idiot? Give me to compelling reasons why a GYN would perform a routine TLH on that clunker.I work at Intuitive and hate it, but you are an idiot!
I'm not the guy who called you an idiot. Although, it's all right there in your writing. Why would anybody want to do a TLH on a ROUTINE hyst. That's the point right there. The fact that not only can you become faster and more proficient on your routine cases, you can also tackle cases that you can not do lap therefore increasing the rate of MIS. That's it! you answered your own question.
Tell me why I am an idiot? Give me to compelling reasons why a GYN would perform a routine TLH on that clunker.
What the hell r you guys smoking over there? Do y'all realize how bad the staff dogs y'all out behind your back. It's a lot! They hate setting that clunker up and the expense for a routine hyst. And it's faster? Compete nonsense. Doing cases that you otherwise wouldn't be able to do lap? Man, what r u talking about. Be specific
Two reasons:
Visualization and being able to sit at the console all day (rather than standing over the patient).
Every surgeon knows that robotic outcomes are the same as traditional lap, and that it costs more, and extremely few of them give a shit.
Two reasons:
Visualization and being able to sit at the console all day (rather than standing over the patient).
Every surgeon knows that robotic outcomes are the same as traditional lap, and that it costs more, and extremely few of them give a shit.
Now your sounding like the a Intuitive employee HACK...
I'll tell you who gives a shit. The Patients, the Insurance companies, the FDA and SEC. Who would want to have a procedure with a Robot that costs more and has a very bad reputation of lying about adverse effects?
just look at how many TLH's were being done before the robot became the #1 approach for hyst... (64% open vs 14% TLH vs 22% vaginal). so for all of you idiots out there who lost your trocar, enseal, ligasure, harmonic business, quit crying and just accept the fact this is and will continue to be the standard of care and will be the most cost effective. how many new GYN surgeons are coming out who are actually doing hysterectomies without robotic assistance? Very few.... Even the AAGL fellows are using robots.
argue all you want, robotic surgery is here to stay. whether it is intuitive or another company, it is not going anywhere and will continue to evolve and gain market share in other specialties.
Disclosure: FORMER intuitive rep, still a shareholder
be specific about "costs more"? what type of procedure and at what hospital? and and which surgeon? robotics should be and can be cost effective vs lap and better in some cases and more cost effective in all open cases. btw, if your looking at it through the window you confirm that you have no clue what your talking about. the system makes no movement on its own PERIOD. and its fine if staff dogs us. we have thick skin. you have to when your introducing disruptive technology. not everyone can handle it. focus on the patient.