St pete office closing

It's the only thing that makes sense at this point. He was promoted (well deserved) when TL left...which was right before shit hit the fan. He is working for a complete jerk off in BA. With more than half the country underwater with PICO, how is making any money?

You mean the douche who keeps saying how great Pico sales are everywhere is wrong? What a disruptive thought.

Who took over when BC left?

He is being replaced by a guy named Open. Who would want the position. Re entry has nowhere to re enter. I can see it now, "Dear Kaiser, Dignity, Duke, UAB, Cleveland Clinic, Banner, Barnes Jewish, etc. It has been a year now since we made subtle changes to our quality EZ Max pump, which we did not think the FDA would need to approve a 510k on, We have now been approved to re enter the Market, with the new FDA 510k approved EZ Loaded pump. Please let bygones be bygones, we have been transparent throughout the last year, and now it is business as usual. Please ignore the Full Canister and Leak alarms, that on occasion do not alarm due to clinician issues. Let's assume business as usual". Apria will no longer work with us now, so we are forming our own internal DME team to quickly and efficiently process discharge orders. As a token of our appreciation to win your business back, our Acute and DME rate will be $30 per day.

He is being replaced by a guy named Open. Who would want the position. Re entry has nowhere to re enter. I can see it now, "Dear Kaiser, Dignity, Duke, UAB, Cleveland Clinic, Banner, Barnes Jewish, etc. It has been a year now since we made subtle changes to our quality EZ Max pump, which we did not think the FDA would need to approve a 510k on, We have now been approved to re enter the Market, with the new FDA 510k approved EZ Loaded pump. Please let bygones be bygones, we have been transparent throughout the last year, and now it is business as usual. Please ignore the Full Canister and Leak alarms, that on occasion do not alarm due to clinician issues. Let's assume business as usual". Apria will no longer work with us now, so we are forming our own internal DME team to quickly and efficiently process discharge orders. As a token of our appreciation to win your business back, our Acute and DME rate will be $30 per day.

Give this man a raise!!

I interviewd with AWM or whatever its called a few weeks back and the guy smiled then asked me a few questions straight off a play sheet he was holding, really? He didn't even attempt to conceal it, read it word for word. That's all I needed to know, peace out