Anyone can provide info? Pay, stability, training? Chocolate? Can't find anything.
Seeing that fraud leader and his fake know it all girlfriend on stage made me throw up in my mouth. Glad i'm gone. Don't do it! But yeah benes are good.
Wife complains all the time sounds like a bunch of gossipy, shit talking women all fighting for the gold star. High school for 50 year olds.
Unless you’re desperate, I wouldn’t suggest it. It’s a very “entry-level” primary care sales environment and comp isn’t competitive. Benefits are good and company car, but if you’re a real salesperson, you won’t be happy. A lot of memorization and call reporting will be how you spend most of your time.
But the discount on chocolate is great, so there’s that.
By abuse do you mean, backstabbing and throwing under the bus or how tenured eat the newbies for lunch? Make them really dislike it here and leave = job security and undeserved promotions for the ones that have been around longer than 2 years. Take the job, you’ll be gone in 6 months or less. Newbies never stay.