SSE openings??

The Prometheus manager Damara is a joke. So full of herself. So what, she gets promoted and acts like she’s irreplaceable as a rep. She needs to get off her high horse before they run her out. She is absolutely clueless!

Just don't. It's really not the same. Most are trying to escape. Killing everyone with bad direction and basically no training. Everyone's miserable. I can't believe I came here

Benefits very good - might be best in business. Car. Pension is gone but i think they give new hires a bump in 401k. As a matter of fact it seems like open season on anyone who has a pension - thus the open positions turnover has to be huge.
If you are unemployed or desperate then go for it but sadly i have to agree with above. Very nasty place right now. Never seen morale lower and def not getting better

Unless you’re desperate, I wouldn’t suggest it. It’s a very “entry-level” primary care sales environment and comp isn’t competitive. Benefits are good and company car, but if you’re a real salesperson, you won’t be happy. A lot of memorization and call reporting will be how you spend most of your time.
But the discount on chocolate is great, so there’s that.

Unless you’re desperate, I wouldn’t suggest it. It’s a very “entry-level” primary care sales environment and comp isn’t competitive. Benefits are good and company car, but if you’re a real salesperson, you won’t be happy. A lot of memorization and call reporting will be how you spend most of your time.
But the discount on chocolate is great, so there’s that.

Yes. Do hate to pile on but you will hate it if you are pharma trained. It's just really bad right now. Blind leading the blind. Abusive if you ask me and the leaders play favorites and the favorites are very stupid. Wish you luck but pass on this

By abuse do you mean, backstabbing and throwing under the bus or how tenured eat the newbies for lunch? Make them really dislike it here and leave = job security and undeserved promotions for the ones that have been around longer than 2 years. Take the job, you’ll be gone in 6 months or less. Newbies never stay.

By abuse do you mean, backstabbing and throwing under the bus or how tenured eat the newbies for lunch? Make them really dislike it here and leave = job security and undeserved promotions for the ones that have been around longer than 2 years. Take the job, you’ll be gone in 6 months or less. Newbies never stay.

Ooh - sound a little bitter. 2 years thats really long for a newbie.

It's the worst. You don't get sales data or training or anything of support but alot of short sighted direction from incompetent leaders. a real s-show and they give credit to national for stuff done by reps so guess whos safe. You get rated on a fraction of the years sales like 3 mos. Place is a joke. Don't do it!!! You will regret it.