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Sr NVD Finance staff in meetings to plan future of NVD


In the last month, Sr Members of the NVD Finance team were sequestered away in a conference room in 45 Sydney together with a McKinsey team sent from Basel to create various contingency plans for the future of NVD. With the impending expiration of the Bexsero application in Europe and the spiraling quality problems in Tech Ops the plan to eventually liquidate NVD is becoming the only option. The leader of the McKinsey team is the debt expert that will work with AO's eventual replacement in order to minimize the negative financial impact on Novartis. AO's replacement will a very Sr Leader brought in from Pharma in order to also minimize the panic while NVD is euthanized.

The selling of the Flu and Menveo franchises are in the final discussion stages.

The head of the McKinsey team also met with VN and other former McKinsey-ites in order to give them a head ups to allow as much time for as possible to plan their departure and well as offer them advice to cover them post NVD.


Novartis vaccines is worth nothing by itself. The only value is as a debt write-off pile for some other company.

what you mean those rat feces laced vaccines aren't worth the 7 billion the grossly compensated geniuses like vassella , jimenez crickey & McKinzeeeee paid to buy CRY-ON ?
That's unpossible !

One major pharma came to the table with $100 mill and later withdrew from negotiations and now NVS is inviting them back for more talks.

with all of the pending quality problems no one would take it if novartis paid 3 times that much for them to take it off their hands

word has it that the ec is in shambles with each member trying to frantically put out so many fires they don't have time to spend on their number 1 priority which is looking for their next job

speaking of next jobs and fire linkedin is blazing from all the activity. everyone is connecting with each other and writing recommendations etc. the open secret us that everyone with rna who committed to moving to eh are delaying their moves while looking for something else

anyone who has traveled to eh knows that it is a mess with everyone there looking for something else because they have either been laid off or are anticipating being on the street in early 2013

we're having some fun now boys!

with all of the pending quality problems no one would take it if novartis paid 3 times that much for them to take it off their hands

word has it that the ec is in shambles with each member trying to frantically put out so many fires they don't have time to spend on their number 1 priority which is looking for their next job

speaking of next jobs and fire linkedin is blazing from all the activity. everyone is connecting with each other and writing recommendations etc. the open secret us that everyone with rna who committed to moving to eh are delaying their moves while looking for something else

anyone who has traveled to eh knows that it is a mess with everyone there looking for something else because they have either been laid off or are anticipating being on the street in early 2013

we're having some fun now boys!

but the stunted-runt, floats above it all and like the "Dude" in the "Big Lebowski", "abides".

Linkedin is google+ for Facebook r*****s.

Linkedin is where losers get to write their own fantasy resume or "CV" , to get with modern terms, but is equivalent to begging urchins in some poor 3rd world country waiting for a handout . Research the joke companies where many of the clueless DM's RM's execs , ended up, for a good laugh

Let me guess, Novartis is going to pay Combe $100-$200 million to take NVD off their hands so that Combe can package it with their other complimentary product?


Or maybe Pfizer will buy NVD and package it with their complimentary product?


Or maybe they will both buy NVD, share it, and develop a new for NVD positioned between these two existing products and use the brand name, "Tain't"!

Two major pharmas are now sniffing around the place. Ballpark numbers are $100-$200 million depending on the specific debt load.

Well, one of them just walked away again. NVS is playing hardball in a game it cannot hope to win. Overheard: "Is that ninny Oswald REALLY running the shop? Seems unlikely."

Well, one of them just walked away again. NVS is playing hardball in a game it cannot hope to win. Overheard: "Is that ninny Oswald REALLY running the shop? Seems unlikely."

Another one wants to kick the tires. They are all zeroing in on 100-500 $mill. The devil is in the details. Of course golden parachutes are a big part of it. It is a sad spectacle to witness.

Another one wants to kick the tires. They are all zeroing in on 100-500 $mill. The devil is in the details. Of course golden parachutes are a big part of it. It is a sad spectacle to witness.

Is it the whole division or just Vaccines? What about Diagnostics out in California? I wonder who would buy that division, they make no money but I hear Vaccines has always got the top bonus payout as well as research.

Is it the whole division or just Vaccines? What about Diagnostics out in California? I wonder who would buy that division, they make no money but I hear Vaccines has always got the top bonus payout as well as research.

Just vaccines. Diagnostics has become a low margin- high headache business. Like vaccines too as Novartis likes to manage it. That's part of why the low price. There is alot of long term investment and housecleaning needed.

The past bonus structure is a sore point. There are some high-level mutterings about a clawback of bonuses at the top of the NVD management.