Squads, Control Towers, Ecosystems.....ridiculous

I spent a few moons in Genentech marketing over a decade ago, when Commercial couldn't hire fast enough... it was no holds barred, write a job description and you could fill it the next day!! What I gleaned... most of those folks didn't have a clue as to how to develop / maximize / weaponize people let alone a sales / field force (and I'm not talking about anything that would draw a federal/Medicare inquiry... although some thought those easy ideas were "strategy"). Most were just living in a bubble, talking heads trying to impress their own kind, too busy internally / upwardly focused, trying to land an early-stage strategy job with even less accountability + nearly none had ever been in a field force / developed a relationship with a prescriber / accountable for a quota . Then what happened... they rose the internal ranks, making the organizational structure decisions that now places the field force, that Genentech built up, the scape goat... good people who are woefully paying the price. Before any aspersions are cast... my perspective doesn't come from Pharma / BioTech sales (so this isn't an us vs. them thing), but I did carry an individual / team quota for 10+ years within a different industry before earning an MBA (a prestigious one, that's why Genentech gave me consideration... they thought I was one of them) and gaining (very successful) Pharma marketing experience elsewhere. Upon walking in the 1 DNA doors, I was shocked watching Genentech VPs wildly build up marketing teams, hiring dozens for each job that one person could perform well... how the marketing teams' customers were not the prescribers, or even the field forces... but the VPs themselves, to inform them of the businesses they themselves knew nothing about... and the occasional shot at the foot for kicks and giggles. None of it was productive, it reminded me of elementary school busy work. I knew I needed to flee the scene when I was asked to implement in three weeks a messaging campaign for a market decision made behind closed doors that I saw easily as fatally flawed... I asked a couple of clarifying questions, and a dear friend of mine in a completely different part of the business (who was also pulled in last minute for the messaging campaign) texted me "get on board, there is no discussion, they're taking names". That one decision can easily be traced to the challenges Genentech is experiencing today. I can also say, since, I have had the pleasure of working for a few other VPs / business unit leaders outside of Genentech, the real deals, who know how to build / run a business... and they wouldn't have fallen for this over-paid consultant, no field experience themselves, Ecosystem BS!!

  • xyz   Mar 31, 2020 at 06:56: PM
I spent a few moons in Genentech marketing over a decade ago, when Commercial couldn't hire fast enough... it was no holds barred, write a job description and you could fill it the next day!! What I gleaned... most of those folks didn't have a clue as to how to develop / maximize / weaponize people let alone a sales / field force (and I'm not talking about anything that would draw a federal/Medicare inquiry... although some thought those easy ideas were "strategy"). Most were just living in a bubble, talking heads trying to impress their own kind, too busy internally / upwardly focused, trying to land an early-stage strategy job with even less accountability + nearly none had ever been in a field force / developed a relationship with a prescriber / accountable for a quota . Then what happened... they rose the internal ranks, making the organizational structure decisions that now places the field force, that Genentech built up, the scape goat... good people who are woefully paying the price. Before any aspersions are cast... my perspective doesn't come from Pharma / BioTech sales (so this isn't an us vs. them thing), but I did carry an individual / team quota for 10+ years within a different industry before earning an MBA (a prestigious one, that's why Genentech gave me consideration... they thought I was one of them) and gaining (very successful) Pharma marketing experience elsewhere. Upon walking in the 1 DNA doors, I was shocked watching Genentech VPs wildly build up marketing teams, hiring dozens for each job that one person could perform well... how the marketing teams' customers were not the prescribers, or even the field forces... but the VPs themselves, to inform them of the businesses they themselves knew nothing about... and the occasional shot at the foot for kicks and giggles. None of it was productive, it reminded me of elementary school busy work. I knew I needed to flee the scene when I was asked to implement in three weeks a messaging campaign for a market decision made behind closed doors that I saw easily as fatally flawed... I asked a couple of clarifying questions, and a dear friend of mine in a completely different part of the business (who was also pulled in last minute for the messaging campaign) texted me "get on board, there is no discussion, they're taking names". That one decision can easily be traced to the challenges Genentech is experiencing today. I can also say, since, I have had the pleasure of working for a few other VPs / business unit leaders outside of Genentech, the real deals, who know how to build / run a business... and they wouldn't have fallen for this over-paid consultant, no field experience themselves, Ecosystem BS!!
The layers upon layers of created peripheral jobs, big fat marketing departments, over bloated managed care, two separate forces for rebate and discount, the over loaded inept ship of fools at Access Solutions, the salaries going to paper pushers behind the scenes yet the slaughter is the sales force. The sales force and the scientists, either being cut or willfully leaving. The cuts in the first bloodshed pioneer ecosystems show that the brightest field people either didn’t apply or were fed a bullshit lie after participating in the insulting interview process instead of the truth (that they didn’t play politics or kiss ass or have enough affairs with senior leadership)

The layers upon layers of created peripheral jobs, big fat marketing departments, over bloated managed care, two separate forces for rebate and discount, the over loaded inept ship of fools at Access Solutions, the salaries going to paper pushers behind the scenes yet the slaughter is the sales force. The sales force and the scientists, either being cut or willfully leaving. The cuts in the first bloodshed pioneer ecosystems show that the brightest field people either didn’t apply or were fed a bullshit lie after participating in the insulting interview process instead of the truth (that they didn’t play politics or kiss ass or have enough affairs with senior leadership)
Absolutely true.

The best and the brightest started leaving 3 years ago and have continued to leave. There’s no room at GNE for any difference of opinion, innovation, or growth. The people being promoted are the ass kissers and self promoters who have done no real work. Their entire GNE career has been positioning themselves for their next role by networking with the “in” people. The HEDs in most ecosystems are morons and yes men. The Squad Leads are suck ups and have no connection to the customer, the market, or the patient. NO is lost, AH is the puppet of BA, KP is a bitch, KR is an ice princess, and JK is a complete fake. It’s really sad what’s happening here. It used to be such a great place.

  • xyz   Apr 02, 2020 at 07:48: PM
The best and the brightest started leaving 3 years ago and have continued to leave. There’s no room at GNE for any difference of opinion, innovation, or growth. The people being promoted are the ass kissers and self promoters who have done no real work. Their entire GNE career has been positioning themselves for their next role by networking with the “in” people. The HEDs in most ecosystems are morons and yes men. The Squad Leads are suck ups and have no connection to the customer, the market, or the patient. NO is lost, AH is the puppet of BA, KP is a bitch, KR is an ice princess, and JK is a complete fake. It’s really sad what’s happening here. It used to be such a great place.
Could not have said it better

But...BUT....Fox News says Genentech is massively hiring? Am I missed by something?

I was watching fox when the said that too. Had to go for a 5 mile run or be divorced. Actually both sounded good after 10days of being home.

First they changed our job titles to make us reinterview with JOs, then they post it all over the internet to make look like they are hiring when the laying of 80% of commercial. Is it pure genius or madness?
All news outlets are fake news!!

So what is the over/under on when does Basel realize that the only people left have no cohesion or skill sets to actually service customers, train for administration and actually sell to Home Office goals? Account Managers went for that job to get away from sales and people management, nurses can’t necessarily sell or create business plans, and Marketing insiders unless they have years of wide experiences are going to be overwhelmed in leading these systems. 19 months is the line at the bookies

I was watching fox when the said that too. Had to go for a 5 mile run or be divorced. Actually both sounded good after 10days of being home.

First they changed our job titles to make us reinterview with JOs, then they post it all over the internet to make look like they are hiring when the laying of 80% of commercial. Is it pure genius or madness?
All news outlets are fake news!!

LOL, You said it best. And you are most definitely correct. What’s sad during this whole covid19 situatiom. Is that our brilliant leaders are nowhere to be found on this epidemic. All that talk on how innovative we are. Really doesn’t add up to anything. This situation has pretty central how non essential we really are. Heck, if we did do anything. Our manufacturing is in China. It really proves we need to ramp up manufacturing here and not be dependent on another country for our medical needs. We could have seized to be industry leaflets. Yet leadership cowered to protect their well manicured hands that never experienced a hard days work. Genentech is worthless.

Pathetic, embarrassing, shameful! Herb, Bob, Art, Sue, and Richard would have been among the leaders in the COVID fight. Where is GNE in the midst of all this? NOWHERE, IRRELEVANT! Makes me very, very sad to see this once great company implode. Thanks Roche. Who's on all the talkshows, medical society webexes? Pfizer, Merck, Lilly. They are actually doing something, not blowing smoke up everyone's a**!!

PDLT member is hiding out in vacation home against “shelter in place”. Speaks volumes.
LOL, You said it best. And you are most definitely correct. What’s sad during this whole covid19 situatiom. Is that our brilliant leaders are nowhere to be found on this epidemic. All that talk on how innovative we are. Really doesn’t add up to anything. This situation has pretty central how non essential we really are. Heck, if we did do anything. Our manufacturing is in China. It really proves we need to ramp up manufacturing here and not be dependent on another country for our medical needs. We could have seized to be industry leaflets. Yet leadership cowered to protect their well manicured hands that never experienced a hard days work. Genentech is worthless.

Pathetic, embarrassing, shameful! Herb, Bob, Art, Sue, and Richard would have been among the leaders in the COVID fight. Where is GNE in the midst of all this? NOWHERE, IRRELEVANT! Makes me very, very sad to see this once great company implode. Thanks Roche. Who's on all the talkshows, medical society webexes? Pfizer, Merck, Lilly. They are actually doing something, not blowing smoke up everyone's a**!!
This is so true. A company that did incredible things for people is now nowhere to be found. Genentech was once a leader and now they aren't even in the conversation as a scientific company or anything else. Like it is said, "All good things come to an end" but, this one makes me sad. Genentech was a great company but now that's over.

What happened was the science stopped. Roche started looking at ways to make profit only and forgot about science. No products, no company. We hired and promoted people that have no clue what they are doing. The vision changed and Roche has ran this place in the ground. Im waiting on my package and look forward to a new position starting in August but, all these companies look and sound the same.