Sports Surgery Division

Yes, I've been told the person running the division, LD, is completely clueless.

Very misguided, has no clue what's going on in the field, doesen't have experience in the orthopedic market and she is the person running the division. Why would a large company, that wants to continue to be successful, select this type of leadership or lack of leadership??

If this is how Covidien chooses to run their business units, I will not continue to invest in the company's stock.

well she is gone now, but her dismissal cant save it, any news if Sports Surgery business is being sold?

A distributor rep stopped me in the OR to ask me some questions and asked if the line was for sale.

He said it was complete crap and he didn't know who would buy it. I told him I thought the division was going to be a growth division, but being on the energy side I didn't have any answers.

Is the division for sale?

One of their reps was inservicing our group at a regional meeting and the dope showed up in sweats :) How freaking cool is that? He is coasting collecting paychecks while looking for opportunities

well supposedly this division has been up for sale for about a year. And the reps were recruited to this division to launch a new product a couple of years ago, not sure if the product was ever launched though.

I recently signed on with a distributor that carries the Sports Surgery line. I think they keep it as a back up for the docs that still like to use it.

Whats the latest on this division, I have never had any experience with Covidien. I heard that they might be bringing on some new products from a friend in the business.