
The burnout is real. If I had the vacation days to take off the rest of the year, I would. The field has been emotionally devastated, yet my leadership chain keeps pushing more more more when all I want to do is tell them to fuck off. I don’t want another conference call, another ride along or another bullshit propaganda shoved down my throat
I so felt this yo

Obviously not from this company. They built a certain culture that does not include this. That’s something every employee will tell you. Go back to big pharma where you’re no doubt laid off. We’re trying to get our company culture back on track

getting the culture back on track? Once a cheater, always a cheater. Supernus is like a crappy boyfriend who keeps cheating on you and saying “it’s not you it’s me”. The culture will never be the same no matter how many inspirational things you try to say or praising you do of the management team. Stop trying to push ride days, CCs and individual calls from RDs to fix things. The damage has been done. And it sounds like most of the sales force is over the recent BS. Supernus has been great for awhile. But now it’s good from far and far from good

getting the culture back on track? Once a cheater, always a cheater. Supernus is like a crappy boyfriend who keeps cheating on you and saying “it’s not you it’s me”. The culture will never be the same no matter how many inspirational things you try to say or praising you do of the management team. Stop trying to push ride days, CCs and individual calls from RDs to fix things. The damage has been done. And it sounds like most of the sales force is over the recent BS. Supernus has been great for awhile. But now it’s good from far and far from good

Amen! If I hear one more sports analogy or inspirational quote, I’m going to scream. If I get the same message in a text, email, and then followed up on in a cc again (verbatim).... If my rd tells me one more time that they have some new insight that is going to be a gamechanger..... If we get one more piece of bad news ..... well. You get the picture.
Let us ride this shitstorm out until the end of the year. Quit bullying us.

We were told the company will spend 128 MILLION for copay card programs in 2019. That is financially irresponsible and the VP of sales and marketing should be replaced. This main driver of market growth has NOT been reach, frequency and a strong selling message. The main driver of growth has undoubtedly been FREE Trokendi XR that was paid for by Supernus. Our sales and marketing genius leaders not only provided Trokendi XR for FREE but they continued to expand the sales team. How long did they really think this would work? How long can we really sustain the number of reps we have? Will there be changes in 2020? Don’t get caught with your pants down; our VP has already shaved the meals budget and slashed bonuses and the cuts aren’t likely to end anytime soon. They put the company in this position: they should own it.

We were told the company will spend 128 MILLION for copay card programs in 2019. That is financially irresponsible and the VP of sales and marketing should be replaced. This main driver of market growth has NOT been reach, frequency and a strong selling message. The main driver of growth has undoubtedly been FREE Trokendi XR that was paid for by Supernus. Our sales and marketing genius leaders not only provided Trokendi XR for FREE but they continued to expand the sales team. How long did they really think this would work? How long can we really sustain the number of reps we have? Will there be changes in 2020? Don’t get caught with your pants down; our VP has already shaved the meals budget and slashed bonuses and the cuts aren’t likely to end anytime soon. They put the company in this position: they should own it.

Its this type of open negativity that has caused SUPN stock to crash. Not our lack of a viable business strategy to reflect this decade.

Its this type of open negativity that has caused SUPN stock to crash. Not our lack of a viable business strategy to reflect this decade.
Really?? You mean there isn’t worse on other company’s CP threads, companies with much higher, stable stock prices? Get out of here with that crap. If CP is all it takes to crash a stock, then why aren’t you sh;posting the competition right now? This company is run by amateurs and there’s no way to sugar coat it. Wall Street doesn’t care what a bunch of reps with no insider knowledge thinks. There are unhappy people declaring the ship is sinking at every company ever. It’s been on here for years. GTFOOH with that bs

Really?? You mean there isn’t worse on other company’s CP threads, companies with much higher, stable stock prices? Get out of here with that crap. If CP is all it takes to crash a stock, then why aren’t you sh;posting the competition right now? This company is run by amateurs and there’s no way to sugar coat it. Wall Street doesn’t care what a bunch of reps with no insider knowledge thinks. There are unhappy people declaring the ship is sinking at every company ever. It’s been on here for years. GTFOOH with that bs

I didn’t post the original comment. I see your point to some degree, but while the stock dip certainty isn’t only due to negative comments on CP it’s hard to argue that it helps. If anyone here wants to see the company succeed then they’d be better off talking trash in house with their coworkers rather than taking it to a public anonymous forum.

We were told the company will spend 128 MILLION for copay card programs in 2019. That is financially irresponsible and the VP of sales and marketing should be replaced. This main driver of market growth has NOT been reach, frequency and a strong selling message. The main driver of growth has undoubtedly been FREE Trokendi XR that was paid for by Supernus. Our sales and marketing genius leaders not only provided Trokendi XR for FREE but they continued to expand the sales team. How long did they really think this would work? How long can we really sustain the number of reps we have? Will there be changes in 2020? Don’t get caught with your pants down; our VP has already shaved the meals budget and slashed bonuses and the cuts aren’t likely to end anytime soon. They put the company in this position: they should own it.

What a comment Spot on

I didn’t post the original comment. I see your point to some degree, but while the stock dip certainty isn’t only due to negative comments on CP it’s hard to argue that it helps. If anyone here wants to see the company succeed then they’d be better off talking trash in house with their coworkers rather than taking it to a public anonymous forum.
Silly kid. Everybody knows you can’t share anything but the koolaid at Supernuts. That’s why we’re forced to resort to anonymity online. Tsk tsk tsk

The burnout is real. If I had the vacation days to take off the rest of the year, I would. The field has been emotionally devastated, yet my leadership chain keeps pushing more more more when all I want to do is tell them to fuck off. I don’t want another conference call, another ride along or another bullshit propaganda shoved down my throat
I have never related to something more in my life than I do with this statement right now.

We were told the company will spend 128 MILLION for copay card programs in 2019. That is financially irresponsible and the VP of sales and marketing should be replaced. This main driver of market growth has NOT been reach, frequency and a strong selling message. The main driver of growth has undoubtedly been FREE Trokendi XR that was paid for by Supernus. Our sales and marketing genius leaders not only provided Trokendi XR for FREE but they continued to expand the sales team. How long did they really think this would work? How long can we really sustain the number of reps we have? Will there be changes in 2020? Don’t get caught with your pants down; our VP has already shaved the meals budget and slashed bonuses and the cuts aren’t likely to end anytime soon. They put the company in this position: they should own it.

There is no way they are expanding next year. At least not to the extent they planned. Can’t hire 175 reps to sell one product while you still have 220 pretty much selling OXR by itself. You can say the generic in March won’t affect TXR all you want, but you said the same thing about CGRP and we saw how that went.

Actually might not be a bad thing! If we call on 20-25% neurology and 75-80% psych, that would be way smarter than calling on our entire bottom 50.