spiffing...why has this been ignored.


Maybe the DOJ should look into the companies that supplied assays to HDL. HINT: Look into "spiffing," money they paid to BW to get on the panels. Looking for a way to collect the HDL fine? Follow the money.

HDL rapid growth and fall did cause much damage to IVD suppliers. Not only the list of creditors noted in the filings, but the long list those impacted by their rise and fall. (Coregenix, BG Medicine, LipoScience, Metabolon, Diadexus, GeneNews[Canada]).

Are you saying the SPIF (sales performance incentive fund) dollars went from the IVD companies to Blue Wave? Usually they would go to the performing lab.

It makes sense to follow the money. Those LLC/1099 reps pushed not only lab testing, but pharmacy compounding, radiology services, toxicology testing and more...

LM, LM, LM what have you done now ? The rumours doesn´t stop, we all know there´s no smoke without fire...Management & Board will have to exercise their duties....soon....