Specialty positions

Hmm I was told that there were going to be 100 reps, now you say 40?? Are they crazy? Who would want a territory that size considering the base is not that competitive. I'm pissed off because I was misinformed.

I also had a phone interview, 3 weeks ago, no live interview............no update from anyone......
job site still says that I'm still being considered for the position.
I wonder if they hired all the managers? they probably can't hire the reps for the area that has a manger vacancy.....
any thoughts on this?

I also had a phone interview, 3 weeks ago, no live interview............no update from anyone......
job site still says that I'm still being considered for the position.
I wonder if they hired all the managers? they probably can't hire the reps for the area that has a manger vacancy.....
any thoughts on this?

Managers live yonder! Maybe the gig will go kaput!

Let's see. Wanted 50 reps, but only got 40 approved. Infusion vs two injection therapy products. Only paying 7-10% more base than regular respitory reps and many will have the whole state to cover with 2 to 3 overnights a week. This thing will launch like a lead balloon.

What happened with the gig? Wasted time lost a day's pay. Anybody hear?