Specialty Derm

I'm really pissed off. You can work as hard as you want on the base when others are dreaming and partying. Is that supposed to be the answer to ameluz?! FU!! You guys are so incompetent. They're shredding us right now and you're watching.

Why are you all asking ? Tom does not work - he does not know this market he has been nothing more than a figure head since he got here. Only travels to see his girl friends - put in limited time at the office and at the key derm meetings and he does not do anything nor does he have any ideas to move the market share or develop a competitive plan to move the business. We are getting run over by a freight train and he has no clue it is even happening. He is nothing more than a Narcissistic fool and the fact that AG still has him around puts a big question on his leadership as well.

Well said.
Clueless from the start, and no one respects him, zero. Party-boy indeed, can’t roll up his sleeves and get something done. What can he point to as having been done for us ?
He loves to hop meeting to meeting (Maui baby !!!) , out of the office away from AG. Actually smart in that regard.
But it’s taken you this long to question AG leadership ? I can’t believe any of them are still here.

Here is the deal. You pay Levulan/PDT reps a shitty base. Biologics make more and thats a slap in the face. How many reps have left PDT this year? In 40 working days we have lost 7-12 reps!! Why would that be? Underpaid with base, unrealistic Odomzo goals and we wait 90 days for bonus. That is not a motivating business model and you will continue to lose top producers who are frustrated. Imagine the talent you would have if you would raise the PDT base salary to 130 or 140 based on experience. We are getting smoked by Ameluz bc nobody cares, bc they know corporate doesn't care about them. I know 3 to 5 more PT reps that are looking to get out and are currently interviewing, you better wake up real quick corporate.

Here is the deal. You pay Levulan/PDT reps a shitty base. Biologics make more and thats a slap in the face. How many reps have left PDT this year? In 40 working days we have lost 7-12 reps!! Why would that be? Underpaid with base, unrealistic Odomzo goals and we wait 90 days for bonus. That is not a motivating business model and you will continue to lose top producers who are frustrated. Imagine the talent you would have if you would raise the PDT base salary to 130 or 140 based on experience. We are getting smoked by Ameluz bc nobody cares, bc they know corporate doesn't care about them. I know 3 to 5 more PT reps that are looking to get out and are currently interviewing, you better wake up real quick corporate.

Good points made, but you also have to note we’re getting nothing out of the HO. The turnover is off the charts, and that’s a big red flag.

Well said.
Clueless from the start, and no one respects him, zero. Party-boy indeed, can’t roll up his sleeves and get something done. What can he point to as having been done for us ?
He loves to hop meeting to meeting (Maui baby !!!) , out of the office away from AG. Actually smart in that regard.
But it’s taken you this long to question AG leadership ? I can’t believe any of them are still here.

Goga is incompetent, thinks he is a playboy, hits on reps, gets nothing accomplished, bad business mind, just ask the folks at OI, a company he trashed by trying to create a lil Merck, Merck was damn glad to get rid of him

Here comes Ameluz!! New light, 3 tube indication and supporting the derm community. Ameluz is going to kick our asses. Start looking now people!!

I wouldn’t worry about Ameluz. The company laid off and the ones who are still there are on furlough so the motivation won’t be there. The company so almost $10 million in Debt! I give them till dec and they’ll be bought out

I wouldn’t worry about Ameluz. The company laid off and the ones who are still there are on furlough so the motivation won’t be there. The company so almost $10 million in Debt! I give them till dec and they’ll be bought out

Thanks for the detailed debt analysis “Mr. Buffet”
You neglected to mention Amulez had a 57% growth rate per results reported two months ago.

How’s that compared to Levulan ?

Better get movin’ Princeton

Thanks for the detailed debt analysis “Mr. Buffet”
You neglected to mention Amulez had a 57% growth rate per results reported two months ago.

How’s that compared to Levulan ?

Better get movin’ Princeton

my bet is that we’ll finish this fiscal year just about even with last year’s. Flat.

Thanks for the detailed debt analysis “Mr. Buffet”
You neglected to mention Amulez had a 57% growth rate per results reported two months ago.

How’s that compared to Levulan ?

Better get movin’ Princeton

Well Mr. Genius. The company gave the number of $10 Million. And 57% of nothing is nothing. They are still in debt and no business is occurring for the foreseeable future. Might want to find out what happened to their funding. It dried up so if the bank doesn't give them money.....

Well Mr. Genius. The company gave the number of $10 Million. And 57% of nothing is nothing. They are still in debt and no business is occurring for the foreseeable future. Might want to find out what happened to their funding. It dried up so if the bank doesn't give them money.....

Who’s this, Cramer ?
You’ll be a guest on Squawk Box sometime this week ?

I can hear it now” ok team levulan, the quarantine is over, a lot of people need their treatment, get in there and ramp those office” oh “ and where are we on light sales”?

Do you think you were micromanaged before, just wait for it.

Ive seen people talk about combining specialty/biologics/med derm into one unit. There is a ton of positions open and honestly it could probably work with overlapping vacant territories. However, if there was a time to do it, it would be now. What better time to learn new product info that while were at home. The fact that nothing has been said, tells me that its off the table, not and option. The large question that im scared of is how long can we be kept out of the field and not fear for our jobs. This pandemic continues to grow and experts have varied opinions but could last months...

Here is the deal. You pay Levulan/PDT reps a shitty base. Biologics make more and thats a slap in the face. How many reps have left PDT this year? In 40 working days we have lost 7-12 reps!! Why would that be? Underpaid with base, unrealistic Odomzo goals and we wait 90 days for bonus. That is not a motivating business model and you will continue to lose top producers who are frustrated. Imagine the talent you would have if you would raise the PDT base salary to 130 or 140 based on experience. We are getting smoked by Ameluz bc nobody cares, bc they know corporate doesn't care about them. I know 3 to 5 more PT reps that are looking to get out and are currently interviewing, you better wake up real quick corporate.

Sun can hire Girl Scouts to do your job. They probably would have better sales results.