Specialty Care Future?


A friend who works for another company in the transplant area told me that the Pfizer booth at last weeks transplant meeting in Philly was only staffed by the MSLs (RMRS) with no sales or marketing folks. They were telling anyone who would listen that this was the new model for Pfizer and there would be no sales support, only medical affairs support.

Is this the future for Specialty Care or all of Pfizer??


Loser- stop trying to start rumors. We got rid of the transplant team. That's why they were not there. We no longer have any imvolvement in that area. Go back to your hole.

You dummy. It was announced that the < 50 people in transplant were all let go in the last 6 months because most of the product use is off-label so reps are not needed. In addition, there are multiple states attorneys general looking into off-label promotion on Rapamune dating back to 2004. Get a clue.

FYI- Management has taken notice that sales went up for Rappamune in Q1 2011 by 6%-with no sales reps. This has spurred management to take a look at pulling out of IS, since most of Zyvox and Tygacil sales are off label. No final decision yet, but it is on the table, since these products are at the end of their life cycle.

FYI- Management has taken notice that sales went up for Rappamune in Q1 2011 by 6%-with no sales reps. This has spurred management to take a look at pulling out of IS, since most of Zyvox and Tygacil sales are off label. No final decision yet, but it is on the table, since these products are at the end of their life cycle.

Keep dreaming. Most IS sales are ON LABEL. Know your facts. It's Lyrica that is written off-label to a large extent for "pain pathway".

most zyvox and tygacil sales wouldn't happen unless it was for the sales force...if the sales forces were gone, the brand teams would be at the mercy of pharmacy...it takes a tremendous amount of time to manage the whole hospital sales channel now...and all the time, the no-nothing marketeers who last sold in 1992 are pressuring the sales force for reach and frequency numbers to fill out their tbos....boo, boo, boo....

most zyvox and tygacil sales wouldn't happen unless it was for the sales force...if the sales forces were gone, the brand teams would be at the mercy of pharmacy...it takes a tremendous amount of time to manage the whole hospital sales channel now...and all the time, the no-nothing marketeers who last sold in 1992 are pressuring the sales force for reach and frequency numbers to fill out their tbos....boo, boo, boo....

clearly, you are a primary care idiot. IS sales are already factored and no body here measures R&F. lol! It's about sales and sales rank, not TBOs. Only in primary care do you get a 5 in admin TBOs for putting the paper clip on your expense report in the right location.

clearly, you are a primary care idiot. IS sales are already factored and no body here measures R&F. lol! It's about sales and sales rank, not TBOs. Only in primary care do you get a 5 in admin TBOs for putting the paper clip on your expense report in the right location.

You must be off your rocker. Obviously, not in IS. 50% of our bonus is tied to TBO's where R&F is measured on targeted docs, plus targeted account access calls, targeted webcasts, targeted programs, and so on...... Sales and sales rank is a discgrace, because everyone knows you cannot measure true performance with giving every territory a standard increase on previous sales, regardless of territory potential, and current mkt. share factored into growth increase. Compensation committee's are inept at setting standards that are equalized to everyone to measure performance. That is why you see the worst performing terrories with low sales, and low goal expectations that are underperforming ranked at the top, compared to high volume sales, with the same expected increase % territories not. Does anyone have a usable brain in this business.

You must be off your rocker. Obviously, not in IS. 50% of our bonus is tied to TBO's where R&F is measured on targeted docs, plus targeted account access calls, targeted webcasts, targeted programs, and so on...... Sales and sales rank is a discgrace, because everyone knows you cannot measure true performance with giving every territory a standard increase on previous sales, regardless of territory potential, and current mkt. share factored into growth increase. Compensation committee's are inept at setting standards that are equalized to everyone to measure performance. That is why you see the worst performing terrories with low sales, and low goal expectations that are underperforming ranked at the top, compared to high volume sales, with the same expected increase % territories not. Does anyone have a usable brain in this business.

Quack! Quack!

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