South Florida Expansion-Palm Beach

that is anywhere Im asking about SE Fla

keep hearing it is a mess Now I have a meeting with another top 5 in the same area

What s up there? Competitor told me to run from Z in S Fla he would sweeten the deal

that is anywhere Im asking about SE Fla

keep hearing it is a mess Now I have a meeting with another top 5 in the same area

What s up there? Competitor told me to run from Z in S Fla he would sweeten the deal
You must be the best orthopedic sales rep in history. Does it matter who you go with if you are that good?

You guys are the typical a holes on this site. How's that for punctuation? Only asked a simple question to see what I am potentially getting into No need for attacks because you are a frustrated cover rep still making deliveries while you senior rep is home with their family. Hope you work locally here, I need a good boy to set up my cases!

Ha, guy with absolutely zero experience, has never seen an operating room or an instrument tray, talking shit about how he plans to abuse a "cover rep" to go set up his cases. Would you personally know how to set up a case, sir? I've been doing this long enough to know that there are some extremely talented "cover reps", as you call them, that can get a surgeon through some extremely complicated cases and work their ass off. Im sure theres plenty in South Florida too. Based upon the information you've provided up to this point that is a lot more than you can say about yourself. Apologies for calling out your douchebaggery. Good luck with the job I hope you get it.

Hey guy...if you really wanted to know how this market was doing for Zimmer you wouldn't ask that question on this site! If you actually were worth a damn you wouldn't be upset by the responses. Also your arrogant responses make you look like the douche bag! Seriously who the hell do you think you are? Smarting off like there is another company going to give you more to work this area than Zimmer would? Then go take the offer or go to the territory and look around and talk to people. Your a complete ass wipe! I really hope you get a job with Zimmer or any other company in my area in south west Florida! Please I really hope you do come to the west coast! You are the best competitor anyone could ask for!

Good stuff is happening in S FL for Zimmer- Change was needed and the market is responding accordingly.

No where to go but up...old school mentality still exists and so do some of the "lone wolfs" who are only in it for themselves, well traveled, rejects from other companies, so I'm sure your progress will be short term and limited. Sorry, changes aren't permanent, only actual change.

No where to go but up...old school mentality still exists and so do some of the "lone wolfs" who are only in it for themselves, well traveled, rejects from other companies, so I'm sure your progress will be short term and limited. Sorry, changes aren't permanent, only actual change.

Wow! The new Z gm can post here! If Z thinks they are turning it around in S Fla then I am not sure where! More biz is lost than you can imagine and once Stryker gets control of Mako, get out of the way; whats left will be steamrolled; already taking biz away from Z in the 3 weeks since the sale announced Gonna get uglier in the south!!

Wow! The new Z gm can post here! If Z thinks they are turning it around in S Fla then I am not sure where! More biz is lost than you can imagine and once Stryker gets control of Mako, get out of the way; whats left will be steamrolled; already taking biz away from Z in the 3 weeks since the sale announced Gonna get uglier in the south!!

Biomet here: our camp is pretty cocky that it will go our way given the sporadic Z biz and lack of leadership since their changes a few years ago. Curious and doubting given all the money Z has spent going direct but lack of business has hurt direct model. However a lot of B biz here is consultant based. could be interesting

Or they could can your asses, based on your previous Zimmer exit and taking business...I can think of 3 or 4 reps who must be regretting those moves. Only one that could save your treacherous asses is Harry taking over. Even Harry will not be able to save your NUMEROUS consulting deals though. And the nepotism will cease as well.

Or they could can your asses, based on your previous Zimmer exit and taking business...I can think of 3 or 4 reps who must be regretting those moves. Only one that could save your treacherous asses is Harry taking over. Even Harry will not be able to save your NUMEROUS consulting deals though. And the nepotism will cease as well.

but Harry would need to be around mon thru fri then!

They do a couple of elbow replacements a month in south FL. Not bad marketshare considering there are only 4 companies who have a total elbow. Maybe they can convert those docs to the biomet elbow. Haha

How much does Zimmer do on the east coast?

subtract a big consultant in Broward; one in Melbourne and there is not much left

ZERO in Miami; couple orthosensor knees at holy; golf games in stuart and that's about it

subtract all the east coast biomet consultants and both companies suck but advantage to biomet
z died 4 years ago

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