Sometimes you just need a pep talk when the going gets tough

Anyone that has been through this at any big company knows what happens. It has to be a balanced layoff, otherwise people can sue for discrimination. Can't let go of too may old people or young people, women or men, experienced or new, etc...
That's why managers dont even know who is safe. The list that they make of people to keep ends up going through HR and legal, so they can balance everything out. We all know or have heard of hand raisers who were retained, why would they keep someone that wants to leave? Because they are needed to balance out a demographic group.
That's what makes it so much fun to go through this every year, there is no logic to who gets let go. It's exciting for even the top performers!

Corporate America blows, and Merck has become one of the worst big companies out there. Except for their severance packages, which have been pretty good thus far. That will end starting next year too.

I just witnessed some of our best people get let go because they were the wrong demographic and saw some real duds keep their jobs because they were the right demographic.

This company isn't serious about talent retention. The best people have left or are being let go, with only a few good ones left. It won't be long before they leave too. This company is screwed.

I'm glad to see other companies picking up Merck's talent so quickly. And I hope their programs crap all over Merck's.

"...on our feet again..." ---Are you f--king kidding me? We have a few products, all of which are losing market share and have falling revenues, despite Merck's desperate price hikes. Our pipeline is atrocious and likely to yield nothing (kind of like practically worthless antifungals that will deliver about one-tenth what we lost when Singulair went generic). Our employee base has been gutted. Our leaders are criminals.

You truly are the dumbest sons of bitches on the planet.

thanks for the reality check...I especially like the fact you point out that the leaders of Merck are corrupt criminals....(which they are) Big Pharma functions as large organized crime "families" at this point...

I'm glad to see other companies picking up Merck's talent so quickly. And I hope their programs crap all over Merck's.

Merck will be a case history study of how to secure your own demise. Many of Mercks best scientists have gone on to start other companies or join rivals. Watch how those people become successful at other companies and stick it to Merck over the next few years.
If the shareholders knew what was really going on in MRL over the last decade, the entire BOD and executive leadership would be gone.

Anyone that has been through this at any big company knows what happens. It has to be a balanced layoff, otherwise people can sue for discrimination. Can't let go of too may old people or young people, women or men, experienced or new, etc...
That's why managers dont even know who is safe. The list that they make of people to keep ends up going through HR and legal, so they can balance everything out. We all know or have heard of hand raisers who were retained, why would they keep someone that wants to leave? Because they are needed to balance out a demographic group.
That's what makes it so much fun to go through this every year, there is no logic to who gets let go. It's exciting for even the top performers!

Corporate America blows, and Merck has become one of the worst big companies out there. Except for their severance packages, which have been pretty good thus far. That will end starting next year too.

Just in time for more of my MMD friends to be laid off.

Merck will be a case history study of how to secure your own demise. Many of Mercks best scientists have gone on to start other companies or join rivals. Watch how those people become successful at other companies and stick it to Merck over the next few years.
If the shareholders knew what was really going on in MRL over the last decade, the entire BOD and executive leadership would be gone.

Since "The New Reality" that Merck coined in the early 90's, I can name countless Merck scientist who left for small biotech and beat Merck at its own game. I'm truly ashamed to be associated with them.

They have NO drugs in front of the FDA through 2014. Disgraceful failure of upper management to retain talent.

The way I see it we are like a former heavyweight champion who was knocked down but on our feet again. Yes we have gotten a little old and heavy but I think Wall Street is starting to see we are stronger than ever with leaner sales force and HQ, better pipeline, and new leaders with a better strategy.

What say you?

What are you smoking? or do you just have a very profound sense of sarcasm? If you are serious I can only offer pity. Leaner sales force! The ability to discover, market, and sell pharmaceuticals in this country has been destroyed long ago by a meddling and over reaching government and a lot of drug company executives that were more than happy to get down on there knees an blow these politicians thinking that they were going to carve out some sort of protection for themselves.

Anyone that has been through this at any big company knows what happens. It has to be a balanced layoff, otherwise people can sue for discrimination. Can't let go of too may old people or young people, women or men, experienced or new, etc...
That's why managers dont even know who is safe. The list that they make of people to keep ends up going through HR and legal, so they can balance everything out. We all know or have heard of hand raisers who were retained, why would they keep someone that wants to leave? Because they are needed to balance out a demographic group.
That's what makes it so much fun to go through this every year, there is no logic to who gets let go. It's exciting for even the top performers!

Corporate America blows, and Merck has become one of the worst big companies out there. Except for their severance packages, which have been pretty good thus far. That will end starting next year too.

Believe it is a secret.

But it is not exciting; not fun for anyone involved. Even those who bring the news. It's nerve wracking and is sure to provide an empty feeling in the stomach...

I saw lists of numbers representing workers. I was one of those numbers noted by sex, age and a few other demographics. The process was matter of fact. Sit by the phone and wait. This seems to be the method of choice...Anyone who has been there remembers it too well....

However.....all these things (eventually) do pass
......after the dusk comes the dawn.

I agree! We have a lot of babies bitchin, moaning, crying and complaining on CP!

MRK will thrive and survive. The dedicated hardworking amongst us will stay, the laziest amongst us will be managed out.

Dude...seriously?? Your post is what happens when you smoke too much crack.

Your sentence should be modified as follows: The a$s-kissers and sycophant a-holes will stay, the truth-seekers and those who innovate/take risks will be managed out. Have fun gasping for air as the Titanic sinks. It shouldn't be too long now.

You should read your emails. We do have a real strategy now with our four pillars

Port 1 Acute Care Hospital
Diabetes (Primary Care)

Since you don't read much believe me we are going to regain the most respected status within 2 years!

You fool. Pillars 2 & 3 you listed are slated for 35-45% cuts real soon. Ctls and Dcos are in the dark and only those of us in HQ know the details. You will have a one day notice to be on a firing tc. Pillar 4 will be subject to cuts next year but depends on quarterly earnings. Pillar 1 is indeed safe. People gone now get big $ which won't be offered next year. The hidden golden pillar is those hscs involved in the settlement. Many will get 1.5 and claim early retirement. Yes I heard this in a hq legal meeting today.