Someone please just buy this company!!!!!

Its human nature to wanna see what's going on when you leave a company. Amazes me that anyone can't see that.

Funny how you're on this board now and you claim if you left you'd do any different. You'd wanna see the company go down in flames since they weren't good to you. You'd want a ringside seat. That's all these boards are. So get real. This is what social media is about. Being in the know -- communicating. Can't fault anyone for that.

I think it would work better if we all helped each other instead of insult. It's us against them (poor management) not each other.

Keryx sucks, management sucks, Greg is a tool, Abe was as well but he was smart enough to leave while he could, Todd = douche bag. Greg P is a fraud. This is a congregation of suck ass dip shits that are pulling the wool over investor eyeballs. Tom E was a patsy and sucked balls as well, except he was fall guy for the likes of Abe so Abe could countinue to collect a check. They put people on "performance plans" when they had no clue how to help people through territory issues because they were all amateurs at their jobs. Anyone who invested in this shit company has it coming to them when this thing falls apart.

Someone is still bitter about being PIPed.

Keryx sucks, management sucks, Greg is a tool, Abe was as well but he was smart enough to leave while he could, Todd = douche bag. Greg P is a fraud. This is a congregation of suck ass dip shits that are pulling the wool over investor eyeballs. Tom E was a patsy and sucked balls as well, except he was fall guy for the likes of Abe so Abe could countinue to collect a check. They put people on "performance plans" when they had no clue how to help people through territory issues because they were all amateurs at their jobs. Anyone who invested in this shit company has it coming to them when this thing falls apart.

OH, did I make you feel like the idiot that you are for coming on here? That was not my intention at all. LOL. I just don't understand why someone who supposedly went to the perfect size company (which I call BS on), with slightly better pay and better QOL would continue to come on here on a Friday afternoon. Just bizarre, dude.

And you are wrong about all your thoughts above. Leaving on my own accord for a better opportunity. I didn't have to RUN like you did because you were about to be placed on a PIP or fired. I was able to wait for the right opportunity and not the first one that came my way. And trust me, when I am gone I won't be trolling the Keryx board on Fridays like you, loser.

I can sit here and tell you how big of an Ahole you are for probably 10 different reasons. EVERYONE on this sales Team is looking to get out of here plain and simple. You know it, I know it, and the rest of the company knows it. Problem is there are only limited places to go right now. (Relypsa, Amgen, ZS/AZ). You call the other poster a loser? You have the biggest jerk on this board. to because you are defending a horrible company but you are posting out of your ass with zero credibility. Get a life off of CP. EVERYONE goes back to their previous companies board for a period of time, EVERYBODY. That's a fact. To sit here and criticize someone else for doing it shows what a total Dbag you are in real life.

Let it go, loser. While many may go back to see what's happening, most are mature enough to walk away and not post. But not you! Things must be looking up for you if this is how you spend your free time. May I make a suggestion? Use your free time to work on your grammar. Move on, LOOOOOOOOOSER!

I can sit here and tell you how big of an Ahole you are for probably 10 different reasons. EVERYONE on this sales Team is looking to get out of here plain and simple. You know it, I know it, and the rest of the company knows it. Problem is there are only limited places to go right now. (Relypsa, Amgen, ZS/AZ). You call the other poster a loser? You have the biggest jerk on this board. to because you are defending a horrible company but you are posting out of your ass with zero credibility. Get a life off of CP. EVERYONE goes back to their previous companies board for a period of time, EVERYBODY. That's a fact. To sit here and criticize someone else for doing it shows what a total Dbag you are in real life.

Let it go, loser. While many may go back to see what's happening, most are mature enough to walk away and not post. But not you! Things must be looking up for you if this is how you spend your free time. May I make a suggestion? Use your free time to work on your grammar. Move on, LOOOOOOOOOSER!

You still work at Keryx and I'm the loser? I was able to get out on my own and find a better opportunity. Your sill stuck here circling jerking with the District calling and texting each othre how miserable you are and trying to find out about the next expansion. truth is you would take a PC job over this job and you know it. The problem is you can't get out. Good luck with that pip. LOL.

Life must be great for you. Hanging on every post of CP for a company that canned your loser ass! Not everyone sucks ass like you. Do yourself a favor and work on your grammar. LOOOOOOOOSER!

You still work at Keryx and I'm the loser? I was able to get out on my own and find a better opportunity. Your sill stuck here circling jerking with the District calling and texting each othre how miserable you are and trying to find out about the next expansion. truth is you would take a PC job over this job and you know it. The problem is you can't get out. Good luck with that pip. LOL.