Someone’s feelings got hurt


Way to get your threads removed from three different company boards. Guess the “Thought Leader” doesn’t preach to mental toughness and resiliency.

Guess the truth is too much to handle.

I think the person has been beat up enough. I worked with them and they were far from perfect. But then again that could be said for all of us. It’s so easy to pile on in today’s culture of negativity and hate. I for one wish them best of success in their next chapter

I'm sure her six sigma blackbelt helped her find an efficient way to process the embarrassment and get the threads removed...she also gets comments deleted from her YouTube page quickly.

Who the heck cares? Look at our bonus structure. Look at the waste of having FRMs HBMs, and KAMs. We do not need these roles and they make so much more money. TBMs are the work horse of this company and we get stomped on and make so much less. Get rid of these overinflated positions. Also forget PC rankings that’s a slap in the face to everyone doing their best in these covid times. Some states and cities are still closed but go ahead and rank us. Such a great way to loose really good people.

I'm sure her six sigma blackbelt helped her find an efficient way to process the embarrassment and get the threads removed...she also gets comments deleted from her YouTube page quickly.
So you’re checking out her YouTube page, her LinkedIn page, and you’re commenting about her on Cafe pharma??

Sounds like you’re obsessed and she’s living in your head, rent free. Time to move with your life whoever your are. Loser!.

So you’re checking out her YouTube page, her LinkedIn page, and you’re commenting about her on Cafe pharma??

Sounds like you’re obsessed and she’s living in your head, rent free. Time to move with your life whoever your are. Loser!.

Umm...let’s see. 3 mins to watch the YouTube...that she sent to me on LinkedIn, and a few minutes on CP...doesn’t seem obsessed to me. What you should be thinking is why so many people have such a negatively visceral response to her...

Umm...let’s see. 3 mins to watch the YouTube...that she sent to me on LinkedIn, and a few minutes on CP...doesn’t seem obsessed to me. What you should be thinking is why so many people have such a negatively visceral response to her...

Not obsessed at all. The reactions she is receiving are based on many people’s real life experiences with her. And in the vast majority of cases the reactions speak for themselves

Have you seen the latest video from the thought leader? It’s titled how to leave a wake of destruction and piss people off in an insincere way. Sure to be nominated for a Granny Award