Some simple math to start the New Year

82-68=14. 14/82=.17 Stock price when Phizer made offer topped at 82. Since then, it's been devalued by 17% to 68$ . Yippee skippee!
A slow decline that will head into the $40s at the first sign of a failed clinical trial or the delayed product launch that AZ is known for. We are one inevitable fuck up away from disaster and the stockholders are already getting nervous.

A slow decline that will head into the $40s at the first sign of a failed clinical trial or the delayed product launch that AZ is known for. We are one inevitable fuck up away from disaster and the stockholders are already getting nervous.
I sold half of my options at $78.20 and the rest at $81 so I don't give a shit now what Frenchie does to this company. I took my fortune when I had the chance. It isn't insider trading when you simply know the truth that Frenchie will never be able to deliver on his promises. When has AZ ever done that?

I sold half of my options at $78.20 and the rest at $81 so I don't give a shit now what Frenchie does to this company. I took my fortune when I had the chance. It isn't insider trading when you simply know the truth that Frenchie will never be able to deliver on his promises. When has AZ ever done that?

Smart move! A lot of AZ people were too greedy to sell and were hoping to see the $90's! Frenchie, is just that, Frenchie. He let $119 billion slip through the shareholders fingers like it was sand! Why? Because of his enormous ego when he realized he had no chance of being the CEO in a Pfizer/AZ merger, he nixed the deal. The Board is to blame too. Fools all. Now the idiot has promised $45 billion in sales in just a few years.

Smart move! A lot of AZ people were too greedy to sell and were hoping to see the $90's! Frenchie, is just that, Frenchie. He let $119 billion slip through the shareholders fingers like it was sand! Why? Because of his enormous ego when he realized he had no chance of being the CEO in a Pfizer/AZ merger, he nixed the deal. The Board is to blame too. Fools all. Now the idiot has promised $45 billion in sales in just a few years.
That is what political hacks do. They make huge promises and then leave before they are held accountable.

... then again, a whole buncha people are still employed instead of being severed or absorbed into talentless Pfizer, which would wear out the pipeline in few short years, again be in trouble, and need to feast on yet another company.

I sold half of my options at $78.20 and the rest at $81 so I don't give a shit now what Frenchie does to this company. I took my fortune when I had the chance. It isn't insider trading when you simply know the truth that Frenchie will never be able to deliver on his promises. When has AZ ever done that?

yeah, uh-huh, you had stock options. Not. Besides, even if you did, you can't sell employee stock options in open market. Nice try.

yeah, uh-huh, you had stock options. Not. Besides, even if you did, you can't sell employee stock options in open market. Nice try.
I don't know what rock you live under but just exactly how do you propose stock options are sold? While I have had and sold thousands of AZ stock options, you obviously are a low life PSS who never had any. Too bad dumb fucker.
Lord AZ has some of the dumbest people on the planet working here.

yeah, uh-huh, you had stock options. Not. Besides, even if you did, you can't sell employee stock options in open market. Nice try.

They just keep making them dumber these days.

Hint, go to the UBS website equity plans. You should have a user id and password. Look up your options if you have them. Exercise them on line or call a UBS representative. It's that simple.

This is what you get when you hire someone out of college for 50,000 doesnt have a clue, and will never see a stock option.

What is really scary is that these people actually have a college degree. No wonder so many end up living with mom and dad. Imagine now that this person is talking to physicians and then wonder why the physicians don't want to see us any longer.

yeah, uh-huh, you had stock options. Not. Besides, even if you did, you can't sell employee stock options in open market. Nice try.
What a fucking moron. I pray that this idiot doesn't work for the company but my instincts tell me they probably do which means they probably also have a college degree.

Here's more simple math. Hurray now there are 2-3 additional diabetes reps going into offices. There was enuf pushback last year with the herd of diabetes reps and yippee there are more this year. I look forward to more offices with additional rules or just becoming no see. Brilliant move on the part of upper management. It's obvious they thought it through and only thing they came up with is increase share of voice. Any of you ever heard of the point if diminishing returns? You reached it 6 reps ago.

Here's more simple math. Hurray now there are 2-3 additional diabetes reps going into offices. There was enuf pushback last year with the herd of diabetes reps and yippee there are more this year. I look forward to more offices with additional rules or just becoming no see. Brilliant move on the part of upper management. It's obvious they thought it through and only thing they came up with is increase share of voice. Any of you ever heard of the point if diminishing returns? You reached it 6 reps ago.
Brilliant strategy to add more PSSs calling on more no see offices faking more calls. We don't want more PSSs, our customers don't want more PSSs and yet we continue to make the same stupid mistakes year after year.

Brilliant strategy to add more PSSs calling on more no see offices faking more calls. We don't want more PSSs, our customers don't want more PSSs and yet we continue to make the same stupid mistakes year after year.

I'm curious. Has any manager at any level EVER asked sr leadership "has anyone asked what the customer wants or doesn't want?". Seriously. Do they have 2-3 managed are reps hounding the same contact people a few times a week, with the same reach and frequency BS? Do Trades reps badger distributors/whilesalers incessantly to promote AZ products? Seriously, wtf is it with the stupid ass share of voice model that totally ignores the fact that an HCP/customer might give any pharma company more quality time a few times per year if they werent being badgered by more and more reps all the time. ? Has anyone ever asked sr leadership?..and what have they said? Seems to me the reply is "eff the HCP". Thougts?

The "French Fuck" believes in the more the merrier! He is insane. He turned down $119 billion for this POS company! Yep, that's right, $119 billion! Offices are closing every month to reps because of our onslaught! I just heard yesterday that a key endo will soon be closing their doors to reps, if they already haven't. We will soon being hiring 600 Publicis reps for Movantik. The insanity never stops.

The "French Fuck" believes in the more the merrier! He is insane. He turned down $119 billion for this POS company! Yep, that's right, $119 billion! Offices are closing every month to reps because of our onslaught! I just heard yesterday that a key endo will soon be closing their doors to reps, if they already haven't. We will soon being hiring 600 Publicis reps for Movantik. The insanity never stops.

Your message hasn't fallen on deaf ears. Hopefully he'll realize there are too many people, fire you, and the insanity will end!

Not this year he won't! We're safer than we've ever been. Smooth sailing! Heck, we'll probably have DS5-DS10 reps for diabetes before years end. Expand primary care to sell generic Crestor for 2016. Hire reps to give out pens and pads. Hire formulary reps. Hire a sales force to schedule lunches. Hire reps to schedule oil changes for company vehicles. It won't end there!

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