Some insight into how BMS conducts its layoffs

As a 28 year industry vet that has worked at three different companies, I can tell you that this is precisely the way that it goes down. Cronies and sycophants of higher-ups stick around, while the real talent is escorted out. Several years later, 2 or 3 members of the C-suite "retire" or "leave to explore other options", and all of their cronies and sycophants get canned (or "downsized") by the new regime.
It’s funny how those that get laid off always claim it’s only the “talent” that gets laid off…

It’s funny how those that get laid off always claim it’s only the “talent” that gets laid off…
This is a very simplistic comment. It is difficult to dissect the whole process. One cannot ignore the element of bias, human interactions, misaligned thoughts and incompetence in the layoff process. They were hired because of talent. How they survive is based on many factors other than talent.