Somaxon interview

Increasing "share of voice" keeps stockholders pacified that things will get better.LOL!!

It has NOTHING to do with keeping stockholders pacified. The company is just buying time until they can get some managed care coverage and this drug will do enough to keep the lights on. There are so many shorts on this stock it is crazy.

It has NOTHING to do with keeping stockholders pacified. The company is just buying time until they can get some managed care coverage and this drug will do enough to keep the lights on. There are so many shorts on this stock it is crazy.

MC is holding all the cards! There is no reason for them to put Silenor on formulary when there are so many viable generics! Again,why do you think Somaxon is co-partnering with an "OTC ONLY" company like P&G? Quit drinking the company kool-aid!

What is the status on the interviewing process for this expansion ? Are people being considered? When does Home study begin ? I am still hoping to be contacted in the SE.

What is the status on the interviewing process for this expansion ? Are people being considered? When does Home study begin ? I am still hoping to be contacted in the SE.

Interviews for ATL area and Alabama area are going on this week. NC and SC are next week. Home study will be two weeks and then hit the field, no away training class. This is all I can give for now, hope this helps.

I know for fact they have not requested additional candidates to interview.

I know you are full of shit because I went to the interview and the rep who referred me told me that was the manager's feedback. I met with Carlos and Jason from Somaxon and Rick from PSS. He would know and I am sure you probably do not.

Come on you are the one full of shit because you are not giving specifics. Stop giving mis information on this board -shame on you.

I spoke with Jason, Carlos, Matt, and Rick personally! You need more proof than that!!! I am trying to help you out by telling you not to come here so at least you were warned!!! More candidates are being phone screened as we speak!!!!

I spoke with Jason, Carlos, Matt, and Rick personally! You need more proof than that!!! I am trying to help you out by telling you not to come here so at least you were warned!!! More candidates are being phone screened as we speak!!!!

Why are you guys fighting over a job that won't be@ in 6 months! Not like this is a long-term great career opportunity!Chill!!!!