I'd think long and hard before I made the move. The ONLY thing you can be certain about with Solstas, is uncertaintly. I hate to say that, but it's the honest to God truth.
Their billing department is a NIGHTMARE! Accounts have left due to billing problems and it's not getting any better. It's complete stupidity when a patient pays for their labs up front and then gets a bill for those labs. I had a doctor chew me up one side and down the other because the patient took the bill to the doctor and complained about being sent to a lab that did this.
I didn't belive it at first, but they're gearing up sell. You won't be employed by Solstas for very long, that much I can promise you. They've got too many irons in the fire and are setting themselves up to look appealing to one of the bigger companies. They're owned by an investment group, not a bunch of lab gurus. Investment groups get into businesses for one thing, to make money and they're planning on making a ton of it by selling as soon as get a convincing flow chart.
Again, I would say, think long and hard. I'd tough it out in a tolerable job and look for something more concrete than risk being unemployed in the near future.