Social media policy

Good post. I remember along with the vision of being #1, those in sales leadership saying that in order to be the best we had to BELIEVE we WERE the best. So there were actually people walking around saying "we ARE the best." Most people tend to believe that what others say about an organization or person holds more truth than what you yourself say, but for some strange reason such simple logic was lost.

I also remember TZ saying at the first large national meeting, "if you don't like it, get out now." That pronouncement was telling and not lost on me, and I took it to mean "it's my way or the highway." To my mind the man meant what he said and we soon followed a more directive management style, or possibly bully leadership, as you say.
The difference between directive leadership style and what we are experiencing under Tilton (bully leadership) is that directive leaders believe they know the best way to get things done while bullys don't really give a flying leap about getting things done. Bullys use their position as a ploy to pick on, embarrass and harrass people they don't like or just for kicks.
But it rarely lasts long since bullys eventually will be exposed for the cowards and incompetents they are and eventually leave or are demoted in disgrace. In the meantime they will surround themselves with toadies who feed off of them and emulate their bullying behavior. They will last as long as the head bully is in power and then they suffer the fate of the host paracite.

The difference between directive leadership style and what we are experiencing under Tilton (bully leadership) is that directive leaders believe they know the best way to get things done while bullys don't really give a flying leap about getting things done. Bullys use their position as a ploy to pick on, embarrass and harrass people they don't like or just for kicks.
But it rarely lasts long since bullys eventually will be exposed for the cowards and incompetents they are and eventually leave or are demoted in disgrace. In the meantime they will surround themselves with toadies who feed off of them and emulate their bullying behavior. They will last as long as the head bully is in power and then they suffer the fate of the host paracite.
This is a perfect description of our company today. Thanks.

The difference between directive leadership style and what we are experiencing under Tilton (bully leadership) is that directive leaders believe they know the best way to get things done while bullys don't really give a flying leap about getting things done. Bullys use their position as a ploy to pick on, embarrass and harrass people they don't like or just for kicks.
But it rarely lasts long since bullys eventually will be exposed for the cowards and incompetents they are and eventually leave or are demoted in disgrace. In the meantime they will surround themselves with toadies who feed off of them and emulate their bullying behavior. They will last as long as the head bully is in power and then they suffer the fate of the host paracite.

The best way to handle a bully is to punch them in the head as hard as you can. You might lose the fight but the bully will know they had been in one. Bullies have no interest in anyone who is going to fight back.

Wrong asshole. Your posts on a social website or forum are AZ property if you have identified yourself as a member of AZ in your profile. You are an AGENT of the company. You waived your rights when you cashed your check. Read the policy dumbass.

Geez, you're as dumb as a bag of hammers. The whole POINT was that the company doesn't have the RIGHT to wave my RIGHTS as guaranteed by the US Constitution. Just because I declare myself "King of the Druglords" and tell you that you can't twitter anymore, doesn't mean I can legally enforce it.

Further, I'm an agent for the company when I'm working. When I'm not working that's my PERSONAL time. I use social media on my personal time. If they want to talk about overtime pay, I'm all ears. If they want to talk about using names without permission, lets talk about all of the AZ-PAC members personal information being online and searchable. Any crazy PETA member can show up at your house at any time if you belong to AZ PAC. They abuse you far more than you could ever use them...TOOL.

Wow, looks like many reps are contributing more per month than our VP of sales. He's only pitching in $100/mo. How much does this greedy bastard make per year? No real skin in the game and no shame.

For your own safety, just remove the word AstraZeneca from LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Yammer (even if it is company sanctioned), and any other form of social media tool in any profile, screen name or any other source. The policy indicates you are to NOT use your email as a means of logging onto any of your accounts. It's just a matter if when, not if, you get into trouble for having something on there.

Any moron that still uses the company email for non company use should be fired. How stupid can you be?