So You Didn't Think It Could Get Any Worse On the PDI Norvartis Contract? SURPRISE!!!

I am disgusted by PDIs behavior. I'm also revolted by my RFC behavior. At the end the day they only care about themselves. They really don't give a shit about us. Don't trust anyone because they are all lying. I trusted my RFC but no more. They sold us out and pretend everything is alright. Sorry, PDI we are must Smarter than we look. Sorry RFC we don't buy ur BS.

Publicis purchases PDI. Along with the deal they received Frank The Fake Tan, Dyed Hair, Barney Fife Looking Arena and Cedric (Hey Baby I'm Cedric) The Entertainer. Now Publicis has been forever damaged because of these two incompetent jack asses! What is so embarrassing is that Cedric The Entertainer enjoys being Frankie's BITCH. Bend over Cedric and squeal like a pig!

This company is toast... Had a conference call today and iRobot ABL just regurgitating what he is told w/ absolutely no rationale or common sense. Every time you think the worst is behind you they somehow figure out a whole new level of stupidity. This company is all about "Road Blocks" to sales and not even close to a sales organization. Entresto is not going to ever get any traction because all the reps, ABLs and Regionals do is chase their tails. NVS has no ambition to sell but a high ambition on everything else. Check those boxes ABLs be a good little manager...

Did you pick your 20 Loser targets for the contest? They let NVS have at it first, nothing left to pick from and they make the pool only 40 MDs. Out of 20, I was able to find 5 see able MDs. Should we even care about this contest?

Riddle me this NVS....You can do a program and have 15 people show up (MDs, NRP, PA, RN, MA's) but if non of the attendees are an actual MD targets (Because no one whats to go to these things anymore) the program is considered a zero....

RC's and Cedric the Entertainer need to start sticking up for their employees...

This is such a waste of time...

Riddle me this NVS....You can do a program and have 15 people show up (MDs, NRP, PA, RN, MA's) but if non of the attendees are an actual MD targets (Because no one whats to go to these things anymore) the program is considered a zero....

RC's and Cedric the Entertainer need to start sticking up for their employees...

This is such a waste of time...

Not to mention you are basically harassing the same small pool of people that the CV1 and 2 are. No one wants to go to these things! Total waste of $.

Hey Cedric the Entertainer you sure can F'up a wet dream can't you??! You have a second chance to re-negotiate the NVS contract and you can't even get a second chance right! What the Hell! So you get everything else in line w/ NVS but forget one MOST IMPORTANT detail....MONEY!! A $2000.00 raise is NOT a salary adjustment! It's an insult! A salary adjustment would be in line what ASHFIELD is paying 70-75K. First rule of business is see what the competition is doing and at least match them other wise turn-over will continue. You do realize that 95% have Pharma Exp and not new to the industry don't you? And, you also realize that 95% of can see through your stupidity too, don't you? How do you show your face at meetings?

AND.......only July 28th Reps?? So those of that are as equally underpaid/ over-worked Reps that started 2 months later aren't deserving? What's that? Oh, you don't need us?

In 4-6 weeks we will know our destiny. I pray everyday that these lovely people are separated from us soon. This is the only way out. Please NVS don't renew. We implore you!

AND.......only July 28th Reps?? So those of that are as equally underpaid/ over-worked Reps that started 2 months later aren't deserving? What's that? Oh, you don't need us?

I think it depends what you later reps were brought in at. If we are all in line now whats the difference? The July 28th reps only received 2K it's not like it's a game changer or anything.

So here is the latest w/ a recent conversation w/ a NVS Rep. They think we don't like or want to work. I tried to rationally explain to them what we had w/ AZ and what was expected of us for the compensation we received and their reply was.... Oh so you just Don't want to work. Then I replied NO, we don't like being taken advantage of, (so I replied to them) do you like to be taken advantage of? Of course their head spun off. Thanks Cedric the Entertainer again for giving us the perception that we are slackers. And, thanks for letting an entire company take advantage of us. Good go.

Anyone else get the info the multiplier we were promised based on "National Growth Rate" was 1? Seems really suspicious to me and my RFC wouldn't tell us what the actual % growth was?? Just said that Cedric told them to tell the sales force that the multiplier was 1. I'm calling BS.