So, who's your first pick in your Fantasy Football League?

Oh Justin, you’re so emotional. Too bad you didn’t have the emotional intelligence to keep the fam together.

Wait…This is starting to make sense…you were fired by Justin weren’t you? Yes, you must’ve been! You’re obviously an idiot, but that’s not enough on its own to get you fired from a dump like Pacira. There has to be something else…but what could it be? What could cause a person of such low intellect like you to become so oddly obsessed with anonymously trolling another person, by name, repeatedly, on CP? A butthurt, low IQ, troll with all these side…um…”hussles”, but still finding the time to get emotional about another man online? What a horrible life you must have.

Wait…This is starting to make sense…you were fired by Justin weren’t you? Yes, you must’ve been! You’re obviously an idiot, but that’s not enough on its own to get you fired from a dump like Pacira. There has to be something else…but what could it be? What could cause a person of such low intellect like you to become so oddly obsessed with anonymously trolling another person, by name, repeatedly, on CP? A butthurt, low IQ, troll with all these side…um…”hussles”, but still finding the time to get emotional about another man online? What a horrible life you must have.

Never worked for this douchebag. Did see his overtly aggressive, misogynistic behavior towards women. Trying so hard to fit in, desperate for approval, not one original thought, and nowhere to go.

They say behind every great man there is a great woman. Well that used to be true.

Saw a YT video Sherrod posted hawking a cryosleeve. He's a true poser, proclaims to be former Boston Red Sox player; this is a lie. He never played one inning for the Boston Red Sox.