So, who's appyling for a new territory?

People talk.

Before anyone says..."nobody's gonna talk and lose their job"...let me add that this is an unordinary circumstance. It has affected many people's livelihood. In times like this, certain people with a heart tend to say things they normally wouldn't say. You just always have to have your ears open no matter what is going on.

Or maybe you were just beat out? Everything doesn't have to be a conspiracy. I am sorry for all of those reps that were displaced. Shire had about 30 vacant territories after the realignment and approx 70 reps that applied for spots. Someone is bound to not get the job. If the RD and ZD made the decision then I am sure they felt bad and gave you a sob story about why they chose another candidate. The reality is, you didn't get it. Instead of spending time on here crying foul, enjoy your severance. Enjoy your family and the holidays. Start sending resumes and by the new year this will all be a bad memory.

Reality is, this industry is dying fast and even those retained will need to get out soon.

Or maybe you were just beat out? Everything doesn't have to be a conspiracy. I am sorry for all of those reps that were displaced. Shire had about 30 vacant territories after the realignment and approx 70 reps that applied for spots. Someone is bound to not get the job. If the RD and ZD made the decision then I am sure they felt bad and gave you a sob story about why they chose another candidate. The reality is, you didn't get it. Instead of spending time on here crying foul, enjoy your severance. Enjoy your family and the holidays. Start sending resumes and by the new year this will all be a bad memory.

Reality is, this industry is dying fast and even those retained will need to get out soon.

These positions had to be won. If you think any were cherry picked you are crazy or jealous

Or maybe you were just beat out? Everything doesn't have to be a conspiracy. I am sorry for all of those reps that were displaced. Shire had about 30 vacant territories after the realignment and approx 70 reps that applied for spots. Someone is bound to not get the job. If the RD and ZD made the decision then I am sure they felt bad and gave you a sob story about why they chose another candidate. The reality is, you didn't get it. Instead of spending time on here crying foul, enjoy your severance. Enjoy your family and the holidays. Start sending resumes and by the new year this will all be a bad memory.

Reality is, this industry is dying fast and even those retained will need to get out soon.

There were only 16 open territories. Much more competitive than you know

There were only 16 open territories. Much more competitive than you know

Agree, this process was very competitive. There were some excellent reps let go during this process. With only 16 territories to be filled and over 70 qualified applicants. I would hate to be a hiring manager having to make that decision. Good luck to everyone who accepted a new position and to those who are now having to move on to greener pastures. Times are changing and the poster above who said even those retained need to start preparing for a way out of this dying industry is 100% right on.

Wow...sounds tough.

What was the interview process? Is it true they started from the top up with phone screens and moved the likely candidates down the line in the process?

Did they interview every person that applied internally?

I heard they at least phone screened everyone who applied which makes sense considering there wasn't an overwhelming amount of people that applied internally.

Did they interview every person that applied internally?

I heard they at least phone screened everyone who applied which makes sense considering there wasn't an overwhelming amount of people that applied internally.

Somebody lied to you then. There were a ton of applicants. Also no not everyone was interviewed

Somebody lied to you then. There were a ton of applicants. Also no not everyone was interviewed

It would be impossible to have "a ton" of internal (displaced candidates) as applicants.

Even then, not all displaced reps applied for a replacement or vacant territory!

DB stated that they were going to give a fair chance to every displaced rep that would entertain the thought of relocation and took action to apply for a vacant territory via ShireHire in order to make the lay off not affect as many people.

Seems as if this company's words might come back to haunt them.

And by the way...there are several comments on various threads and I'd be willing to bet you money that I could tell you whom the poster is! ;)