So who is job shopping??

Your not, Valeant is giving their direct reps your product. Contract is going down.

Why bother to send us away to "start up" meetings. Most of us are looking for new jobs anyway. No bonus to be made and now patients can only get Addyi at Walgreens. I have never heard of such a thing. Yet another obstacle to overvcome.

Who flushed the toilet on the conference call

I swear some chick was talking to her kid on the call too...

But seriously, I have a third interview this week, praying I get an offer and I can get the hell out of here. Taking away the copay card, and requiring patients to use Walgreens only is just another piece of crap I don't want to deal with.

Dear Sprout/Ashfield -
I really appreciate you reimbursing us in a timely fashion on our expense reports and for all the lies you have told us. I am so honored to be associated with the most pathetic leadership group in the pharma industry.

The reps that aren't complaining are the ones that didn't quit their other jobs. Contract sales never rolls over. A lot of reps here didn't do their homework on contract sales. I'm glad when this contract goes down I'll still be employed. Contract sales 101 to you new folks.

So glad I never took a position with this contract. Too many unanswered questions during the interview. It just had a bad omen feel to it from the beginning. The good news is for those of you who did accept a position with Ashfield/Sprout, there are loads of women's health openings out there right now. Good Luck.

So glad I never took a position with this contract. Too many unanswered questions during the interview. It just had a bad omen feel to it from the beginning. The good news is for those of you who did accept a position with Ashfield/Sprout, there are loads of women's health openings out there right now. Good Luck.

Would love to know where you are seeing the "loads" of women's health openings. Please share. There are about 150 people I know of looking for those opportunities.

I was offered a position as well and it was recent - after the launch. I did a ton of research and so many things didn't pass the smell test, but the drugs efficacy and the whole issue with contract/ashfield/Valeant thing really left me with no confidence at all. It was for more money than my current pharma job but after careful thought I turned it down and stayed where I'm at. After reading everything on here I think it's the best decision I've ever made.

For all the addyi reps sake, I hope
These rumors aren't true and you not only keep your jobs but the drug starts getting some traction. I'm truly rooting for you all

Its in our best interest to be looking for a new job. Territories will be downsized based on sexual dysfunction claims. Also managed care will never pay for this drug unless Valient some heavy discounting.

More and more lies were uncovered. This was such a mistake in coming here. I am just praying that I am able to make it out of this with a job. I get the feeling that many of us will be let go with no severance. Good luck everyone. Oh yeah and Sprout management, you can go rot in hell.