So what is left at BI?


so what is this culture like now? Too soon to tell?
Sounds like wanna be washed out DM's with a passion for micro management and reps who aren't good enough to get even a decent contract position.
What's next managers taking a rotation in Ridgefield, CT as a janitor?
Scrub that toilet Flushels the Therapeutic Business Manager. While your at it participate on a conference call with your Comedic Business Douche Bag and discover how you and your team will conquer the brave new roads with No commercial coverage.
Let's see this is a six clown rodeo with a contract sales division that is paid better commission than any legacy.
The only place to go is IPF or ONC which are already full to the rim!


so what is this culture like now? Too soon to tell?
Sounds like wanna be washed out DM's with a passion for micro management and reps who aren't good enough to get even a decent contract position.
What's next managers taking a rotation in Ridgefield, CT as a janitor?
Scrub that toilet Flushels the Therapeutic Business Manager. While your at it participate on a conference call with your Comedic Business Douche Bag and discover how you and your team will conquer the brave new roads with No commercial coverage.
Let's see this is a six clown rodeo with a contract sales division that is paid better commission than any legacy.
The only place to go is IPF or ONC which are already full to the rim!

ask yourself what products we will have left in 2 years. That's your answer. Not very much of anything. Some diabetes, but that's about it. The quality of the products indirectly dictates everything else. Crap products cause poor sales results. Poor results causes downsizing and micro management. That causes the good reps to leave, which means you have only either bad reps or unmotivated reps left. This causes poor results and micro management. And around and around we go. Get some better products and the cycle will reverse, otherwise, best to look elsewhere.

ask yourself what products we will have left in 2 years. That's your answer. Not very much of anything. Some diabetes, but that's about it. The quality of the products indirectly dictates everything else. Crap products cause poor sales results. Poor results causes downsizing and micro management. That causes the good reps to leave, which means you have only either bad reps or unmotivated reps left. This causes poor results and micro management. And around and around we go. Get some better products and the cycle will reverse, otherwise, best to look elsewhere.

Well son it looks like it's time to move on. Not happy? Get out! The world needs ditch diggers too!

Well son it looks like it's time to move on. Not happy? Get out! The world needs ditch diggers too!

I, like everyone else who is still here, have our reasons for staying here. Saying move on, or just leave, still doesn't change the reality that our products are crap. You don't like people coming on here stating the truth, okay fine....we get it. Guess what? Other people like to discuss it. You don't see the point in discussing the reality of our products. Super good for you. Other people do. If you don't like reading the reality of it, don't get on this website. Feel better now?

To the person with all the smart comments, you know who you are, you sound like your special ed. Shut your pie hole. You must suck at your job!!!!!!! r*****

I think everyone here has had enough of you and your stupid comments.

How stupid is BI......stupid enough to have still kept a GIMP on payrole!

You don't need to get all racist and shit.

And yes, the dog is mainly black.

Funny you should mention it. CP would do better if they had more EOE in their post verifications. All I keep seeing is "the dog is mostly BLACK". And a BLACK cat. I mean, come on man. How about the dog is mostly WHITE? or the cat is mostly BROWN??? or better yet, the noodles are mostly YELLOW???

To the person with all the smart comments, you know who you are, you sound like your special ed. Shut your pie hole. You must suck at your job!!!!!!! r*****

I think everyone here has had enough of you and your stupid comments.

How stupid is BI......stupid enough to have still kept a GIMP on payrole!

Agreed. Person provides nothing but crap to all the threads. Sadly, there's nothing left at BI. Check back in 10 years, maybe something will come through the pipeline by then. Until then, bad days ahead.