So Many Openings/Job Board Postings!

Currently Employed

I'm in device sales in the Detroit MI area. Not looking for work but receive job 'alerts' and notifications. Why are there so many postings/listings for Zoll Life Vest? I mean every day on every board (Zip, MedReps, Indeed, etc.) there are at least 3-4 posting for openings at Zoll! I know from Cafe Pharma what an joke the job is, but those recruiters sure make it seem like a dream! Is it really that bad? Do people make $250K? Is there that much turnover? Even in 2016? How can the company stay in business?

The turnover is 40-50% annually. Some recruiters won't represent Zoll anymore because of how badly it turns out for their clients.

Zoll is able to stay in business because there is no competition. Monopolies tend to be very protected from their bad business practices.

It is a very dysfunctional place. People can make good money for a year, but the majority of people have their goal raised so high so fast, that they just can't keep up. That's why no one stays long.

I was here for 7 months then went back to my previous employer. I tell you, nothing is worse than this company. Thank god my previous employer took me back.

I'm glad they took you back, but then again, Walmart hates losing people too and probably was relieved when you asked for your greeter position back


There is nothing left to burn. There isn't a cardiologist in this country who hasn't been pitched life vest. The ones who did believe we're quickly turned off by the zoll way of treating physicians, patients, and reps. Hey Jason. You still have some white stains on your chin from pleasuring Marshall. Wipe it off, some of us are trying to churn over here...

I'm glad they took you back, but then again, Walmart hates losing people too and probably was relieved when you asked for your greeter position back

This is exactly why you shouldn't be here. This was probably written by executive level leadership. Nobody at a Field level would ever write this. We all know what a nightmare this place is to work. In the time I was there 10 managers resigned in my part of the country, Regional Managers!!! 10! Imagine how many of their sales people resigned before they resigned. It's a mess at LifeVest. An absolute nightmare.

Nightmare is the best word for it. I am literally chewed out by physicians for antiquated Zoll policies and then have to round out the day with a healthy lecture from someone in a Zoll cube about 2x2. I would give anything for them to come to a hospital FOR JUST ONE DAY and see what timeframes EVERYONE in medicine works under.

I can't take it anymore. I have to go. Literally, for my health and the health of my family, I have to leave this place. I have honestly never been in such dysfunction in all my life.

Zoll management can crack all the jokes they want. Karma is a bitch.

Nightmare is the best word for it. I am literally chewed out by physicians for antiquated Zoll policies and then have to round out the day with a healthy lecture from someone in a Zoll cube about 2x2. I would give anything for them to come to a hospital FOR JUST ONE DAY and see what timeframes EVERYONE in medicine works under.

I can't take it anymore. I have to go. Literally, for my health and the health of my family, I have to leave this place. I have honestly never been in such dysfunction in all my life.

Zoll management can crack all the jokes they want. Karma is a bitch.

I am an RM and I feel bad that you are so stressed. I agree with you that the policies are insane. However, I have learned to try to help my tm's overcome them and take a lot of the pressure off of them & I try to brush off the anger I feel from them and try to have my reps take the same attitude. 2X2 is complete bs. It sometimes works but not always, but at the end of the day it shouldn't be causing you health issues. Just do your best. It's a great job if you can manage it all with going crazy

Nightmare is the best word for it. I am literally chewed out by physicians for antiquated Zoll policies and then have to round out the day with a healthy lecture from someone in a Zoll cube about 2x2. I would give anything for them to come to a hospital FOR JUST ONE DAY and see what timeframes EVERYONE in medicine works under.

I can't take it anymore. I have to go. Literally, for my health and the health of my family, I have to leave this place. I have honestly never been in such dysfunction in all my life.

Zoll management can crack all the jokes they want. Karma is a bitch.

Forget 2x2 and get on with selling dude. Be positive and start changing your negative attitude ok? This place provides challenge, make the most of it and get rich in the process if you're one of the many lucky ones that already have

Forget 2x2 and get on with selling dude. Be positive and start changing your negative attitude ok? This place provides challenge, make the most of it and get rich in the process if you're one of the many lucky ones that already have

The "get rich" thing is a touch ridiculous. What's a "Big Year" at ZOLL? 250K? Not quite rich...

i don't know where these ridiculous income numbers come from. I started with a fit quota of 3 and 10k quota. It quickly increased as everyone has mentioned. I did 1 million first year in sales in a territory that never did more than 200k in sales. I made 170 in income. When I say I made 170 I truly mean I MADE 170. No help from company or manager. Actually manager and company were obstacles to my success. My territory was MAXED OUT!! We were putting vests on dogs that walked by the Hospital. I had 100% access to Cath lab, cardiac surgery, and EP. Green light to put vest on anyone meeting criteria. I literally had MO book in hand going from room to room. 250? Not even close. 2nd year I was 117% to plan made 165. No third year. Told my manager he was an obstacle to my success because he couldn't spell cardiology. Gave everyone the finger and left. 6 reps later territory does 200k in sales and manager has a second job he is hiding from the company. Trust me this is ZOLL medical. Inappropriate incompetent tech support, antiquated process, inexperienced managers, and general attitude of apathy from top down. If the company folded tomorrow health care and patients would be better off.

i don't know where these ridiculous income numbers come from. I started with a fit quota of 3 and 10k quota. It quickly increased as everyone has mentioned. I did 1 million first year in sales in a territory that never did more than 200k in sales. I made 170 in income. When I say I made 170 I truly mean I MADE 170. No help from company or manager. Actually manager and company were obstacles to my success. My territory was MAXED OUT!! We were putting vests on dogs that walked by the Hospital. I had 100% access to Cath lab, cardiac surgery, and EP. Green light to put vest on anyone meeting criteria. I literally had MO book in hand going from room to room. 250? Not even close. 2nd year I was 117% to plan made 165. No third year. Told my manager he was an obstacle to my success because he couldn't spell cardiology. Gave everyone the finger and left. 6 reps later territory does 200k in sales and manager has a second job he is hiding from the company. Trust me this is ZOLL medical. Inappropriate incompetent tech support, antiquated process, inexperienced managers, and general attitude of apathy from top down. If the company folded tomorrow health care and patients would be better off.

Best, most accurate post I've ever read on cafe Pharma. For those potential applicants who've ignored a million other red flags while thinking about the job, please read this again

Absolutely true. Except not everyone gets to make that money in those 2 years. Most people do well in the first year and so their goal is doubled and then they can't do well anymore, even though they are growing the orders hand over fist.

Nothing is harder about this job than surviving the company. It is antiquated, ignorant, outside industry standards. They simply make it up as they go. Saying they are apathetic towards the field is generous. There is actual disdain.