i don't know where these ridiculous income numbers come from. I started with a fit quota of 3 and 10k quota. It quickly increased as everyone has mentioned. I did 1 million first year in sales in a territory that never did more than 200k in sales. I made 170 in income. When I say I made 170 I truly mean I MADE 170. No help from company or manager. Actually manager and company were obstacles to my success. My territory was MAXED OUT!! We were putting vests on dogs that walked by the Hospital. I had 100% access to Cath lab, cardiac surgery, and EP. Green light to put vest on anyone meeting criteria. I literally had MO book in hand going from room to room. 250? Not even close. 2nd year I was 117% to plan made 165. No third year. Told my manager he was an obstacle to my success because he couldn't spell cardiology. Gave everyone the finger and left. 6 reps later territory does 200k in sales and manager has a second job he is hiding from the company. Trust me this is ZOLL medical. Inappropriate incompetent tech support, antiquated process, inexperienced managers, and general attitude of apathy from top down. If the company folded tomorrow health care and patients would be better off.