Or was that just fake news?
They want to resign, but they are too incompetent to find better jobs.
Sad thing but true. Actually it was only Sun who was despondent enough to hire them in the first place.
It’s the only place they could get in and a place where they can’t get out.
lol or just collecting a paycheck plus free car for nothing. Pretty solid gig. Why leave
Just sucking cash out of this place like everyone else. Putting in 15-20 hrs/week MAX.
They want to resign, but they are too incompetent to find better jobs.
The pay plan states you must finish the quarter to be eligible for a bonus pay out. If you quit on December 27th you quit before the quarter ended and are not eligible for your bonus in March. If you quit January 6th after the quarter is over the pay plan clearly states you are eligible for your bonus in March even though you are not with the company. I think that is fair, if you worked hard and made the company money you deserve the fruits of your efforts.
the pay plan clearly states if you get fired you are NOT eligible. Pretty fair by SUN in my opinion.
Medical derm has turned over about 40% the past year with more to come in 2020. there are several divisions
Medical derm has turned over about 40% the past year with more to come in 2020. there are several divisions
Why are people leaving med derm? You know for sure or just guessing more will leave?
Medical Derm and Specialty Derm have had tremendous # resignations. Lack of leadership, lack of honesty and arrogance, not to mention really crappy bonuses are the why behind the mass resignations.
Here’s the bottom line.
In at least half the cases, Sun can only hire sub-par people, then they can’t leave because no one else will hire them. Those that could leave, already did.
What’s left has to stay, no where else to go.