's it going?

As we approach April 15th, what does your W-2 look like?
What has been the progression of your W-2 over the last 5 years?
You are entering peak earning years, What is your path?
Are you really a sales person, or a caterer, about to be outsourced?
I will hire David over Goliath any day of the week.
Dad E

As we approach April 15th, what does your W-2 look like?
What has been the progression of your W-2 over the last 5 years?
You are entering peak earning years, What is your path?
Are you really a sales person, or a caterer, about to be outsourced?
I will hire David over Goliath any day of the week.
Dad E

I'm curious as to your credentials! Tell us about yourself that makes you so qualified to be the expert here!

I am someone who worked in Pharma over 20 years ago, and now hires Pharma runaways. The reps know the offices, have access, but lack real sales experience.
Some survive the transition, some don't.
Look around you and let me know how many that you see will retire from Pharma, or have a run longer than 8 years.
You are a disposable asset
Dad E

I am someone who worked in Pharma over 20 years ago, and now hires Pharma runaways. The reps know the offices, have access, but lack real sales experience.
Some survive the transition, some don't.
Look around you and let me know how many that you see will retire from Pharma, or have a run longer than 8 years.
You are a disposable asset
Dad E

and now you are here posting on cafe

Are you really good at sales?
Can you say "Would you like fries with that?"
or "Would you like to supersize it?"
We will give you a free uniform
Ask for me, the Night Manager
Dad E