So, how much did you make on your stock?

I did fine. Started in 07. Maxed out on my payroll, won PC twice. Promoted once. Got the Pinnacle rating 3 times...which was more shares. I also bought 5,000 shares on my own in 2010 at $1.85 or around there. I grossed 1.1m. My manager made over 3mil. He wasn't retained and could care less. Wish I would have bought more. Not sure if an opportunity like this will ever come around again.

I made good money but there was no way any rep or dm amassed that any shares through options, ESPP and merit options.

With the company from the start. Accumulated just over 50,000 options and another 50,000 in purchased shares. It is possible. I'm not any smarter than any other former employee. I just took advantage of our ability to invest in our company. Makes a lot of sense for employers to offer as a benefit. If you've got skin in the game you'll do what you can to make sure the whole company does well. Not just your little piece of it.

Ive got no problem taking a pic of my statement and covering up my name, acct number. I made just over 1m. Was with them for 7 years. I just need to research and make sure my pic from photobucket can't be traced back to me before I do.

Ive got no problem taking a pic of my statement and covering up my name, acct number. I made just over 1m. Was with them for 7 years. I just need to research and make sure my pic from photobucket can't be traced back to me before I do.

No need, I can see all of the guys are so full of shit it's funny! Been here in SD since the beginning, brought in by GF from SA and at this point don't care if you can figure out who I am, and I do know what EVERYONE made. Unless you were buying shares in the open market which we would not have knowledge of I can tell you this for a fact that through the company sponsored plans there are not that many people, especially reps, who grossed seven figures...

No need, I can see all of the guys are so full of shit it's funny! Been here in SD since the beginning, brought in by GF from SA and at this point don't care if you can figure out who I am, and I do know what EVERYONE made. Unless you were buying shares in the open market which we would not have knowledge of I can tell you this for a fact that through the company sponsored plans there are not that many people, especially reps, who grossed seven figures...

Who in the hell is GF? I've been here from the beginning as well. And sorry little do not have access to our financial statements from etrade! If so, you would be in jail. Loser. Try again.

Who in the hell is GF? I've been here from the beginning as well. And sorry little do not have access to our financial statements from etrade! If so, you would be in jail. Loser. Try again.

If you don't know who GF is you are crazy. Second I'm not a rep and we process all company sponsored stock plans so I see what is deposited into the accounts and for tax reporting purposes dummy.

If you don't know who GF is you are crazy. Second I'm not a rep and we process all company sponsored stock plans so I see what is deposited into the accounts and for tax reporting purposes dummy.

Home Office here... these reps are idiots! Who the f do you think deposits the shares into your e-trade account?!? The shares you receive are from Santarus...even when you buy through espp we pool your money and then WE purchase the shares and then WE deposit the shares for you. Anyone in HR, finance, and payroll knows exactly how much you did your didn't make.

God you people are stupid!

Take it easy people. Be thankful we each made what we did. The game almost ended in 2010 and we wouldn't have made shit if it did. We worked hard for our little prize at the end. Quit arguing and enjoy the returns