So. here's an idea on this measles outbreak

Couldnt have anything to do with all your undocumented voters from Brandon’s administration could it?
How about Musks ability to change voting machines in swing states and bomb threats. Orange menace “won” by the narrowest of margins. Mostly on the backs of votes that were cast but thrown aside due to “questions”…I call foul play
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Couldnt have anything to do with all your undocumented voters from Brandon’s administration could it?
No. They’d rather blame someone who’s held his position for a week, as if he could do anything to affect the situation one way or the other in that amount of time. It’s the Libs of Pharma way of viewing any event in the country. Blame Trump and his administration first, find out the actual truth, ignore that truth and continue to blame Trump. Rinse and repeat.

How about Musks ability to change voting machines in swing states and bomb threats. Orange menace “won” by the narrowest of margins. Mostly on the backs of votes that were cast but thrown aside due to “questions”…I call foul play
Umm…Trump won EVERY swing state. You’re not good with math, huh?

Our new guru says, MMR vaccine causes problems, let's quit giving it.

And our president says, Americans are getting fat and disgusting.

Has he looked in a mirror lately?

We are going down the tubes with this radical, Russia loving Orange Chito and his Strawberry blond hair

Measles cases reported in New Jersey, Kentucky amid ongoing outbreak in Texas

Wait, we aren't fat and disgusting?

We are literally the fattest and most obese and diabetic per capita, vs all of the top industrialized countries. And I do know we ranked #1 in cost per pupil in school and dead last #40 in testing (out of 40). We spend the most in healthcare and education and yet we are the fattest and dumbest...

So the current President has a penchant for being frank and blunt without tact? That doesn't change the truth. Maybe we should focus more on our diet and exercise, and less on our semantics and niceties? Why beat around the bush?

And the vaccine thing: that is borne out of the lack of education and a poorly informed general public. You get the anti vaxxers in rich liberal enclaves like Marin CA as much as you do Texas. That is why we rank 40/40.

It would be great if the States remembered their role in education, health and safety and welfare (reserved to the States under the Constitution).

No. They’d rather blame someone who’s held his position for a week, as if he could do anything to affect the situation one way or the other in that amount of time. It’s the Libs of Pharma way of viewing any event in the country. Trump and his administration first, find out the actual truth, ignore that truth and continue to blame Trump. Rinse and repeat.

Week? In that 'week' we've had a crash and a near miss in our 'upgraded' air control situation, concentrated on saving money by deciding to hire martial artists to train the FBI (when they already have pistols), driven the value of our 'new current' (crypto) down from $99K thru $80K, toward $70K, changed Russia from 'invader' to 'victim', fired the people safeguarding and storing our nukes and introduced the idea of selling US Citizenship to Oligarchs for a gold credit card? He wants so bad to be King and have us kiss his ring.

Week? In that 'week' we've had a crash and a near miss in our 'upgraded' air control situation, concentrated on saving money by deciding to hire martial artists to train the FBI (when they already have pistols), driven the value of our 'new current' (crypto) down from $99K thru $80K, toward $70K, changed Russia from 'invader' to 'victim', fired the people safeguarding and storing our nukes and introduced the idea of selling US Citizenship to Oligarchs for a gold credit card? He wants so bad to be King and have us kiss his ring.
Don’t forget that The Tate brothers who are sex traffickers and women haters now welcome in this country. Invited to give speech at Young Republicans in Tampa. Their specialty is training young men to be sex traffickers- I’m not kidding. Obviously VP Vance begged for their release while in Europe from Romanian government. I thought the big magat thing was deporting sex traffickers????? Now importing the ones who are trump fans???? Thought I had seen everything from this administration but this one is beyond my wildest nightmare. Not sure I even belong here in the US anymore.

Don’t forget that The Tate brothers who are sex traffickers and women haters now welcome in this country. Invited to give speech at Young Republicans in Tampa. Their specialty is training young men to be sex traffickers- I’m not kidding. Obviously VP Vance begged for their release while in Europe from Romanian government. I thought the big magat thing was deporting sex traffickers????? Now importing the ones who are trump fans???? Thought I had seen everything from this administration but this one is beyond my wildest nightmare. Not sure I even belong here in the US anymore.
I have to agree. You don’t belong here anymore. You should leave for what you think is a better country. Good luck.