"Smart is recognizing an opportunity" Sentinel promo

Do you read what you write?? You mentioned s-metheprene and the pateneted spreading of the Fipronil. So, how are they identical if those are different. I am in the south and Tritak is going gangbusters. Parastar Plus, not so much]

And that is the difference between selling Parastar Plus and giving Tritak away for free...

I fail to see how Novartis' strategy to offer the most comprehensive HW & IP preventative is going to 'bring down the market' and 'shrink the pie'. Sentinel has Interceptor pricing. That is all. Interceptor competed with Heartgard for MANY years at that price point and those two products never 'brought down the market' or 'shrunk the pie'. Novartis is offering best medicine at the best price.. Competition will continue to try and talk themselves into believing we are 'destroying the market'... When in fact we are only destroying their market share. Wake up.

I couldn't agree more. When people say this is destroying the market what they are really saying is this product is destroying me! Distributors don't get paid as much and competitors lose marketshare. Who wins... Veterinarians, pet owners, pets and Novartis. Help me understand how that is so bad.

Wrong, we the DVM'S are losing. We are losing PROFIT.
When your scheme doesn't work you'll go OTC with your products. Oh wait all the website had Sentinel before we did.
So once again, we are the losers

Oh doctor, I am sorry you are losing. Yeah right, you are a vet. Maybe a vet for Elanco or Merial. Let me spell this out for you. Sell your Sentinel large dog for $60 (pay $30) and you make $30. We are rebating the pet owners back $10 for this. Then sell whatever flea/tick product you want. You will make the same or more profit on Sentinel then any other monovalent HW product. Remember, this is the new Interceptor. If this isn't easy enough to understand, let me know and I will ask a preschool teacher to explain.

I'm just going to say that our compliance for year round prevention has gone up drastically already - I can't wait to run the official compliance numbers. Clients are quick to purchase their 12 pack because of the great new pricing & rebates. If they get a better price from 1800PetMeds, we'll price match it & still keep their sales at our practice. It was often like pulling teeth to get our challenging clients to purchase 3 Sentinel at a time a couple times a year before or even a dose here or there of Trifexis. Clients that wouldn't comply with a year's supply of Interceptor are jumping on board with 12 packs of Sentinel. We don't care if we're not making as much as we used to. Our patients are getting year round protection and we certainly aren't going to complain about that! EVER.

I'm just going to say that our compliance for year round prevention has gone up drastically already - I can't wait to run the official compliance numbers. Clients are quick to purchase their 12 pack because of the great new pricing & rebates. If they get a better price from 1800PetMeds, we'll price match it & still keep their sales at our practice. It was often like pulling teeth to get our challenging clients to purchase 3 Sentinel at a time a couple times a year before or even a dose here or there of Trifexis. Clients that wouldn't comply with a year's supply of Interceptor are jumping on board with 12 packs of Sentinel. We don't care if we're not making as much as we used to. Our patients are getting year round protection and we certainly aren't going to complain about that! EVER.

Thank you! Which district are you the manager in, or the rep in? Pleeeeease. This product will kill the industry

How will you guys go when all these products become descheduled to become open sellers like they do in Australia. We have Trifexis here in Oz but they call it Panoramis. Ellanco have taken share off the topicals, Sentinel continues to grow!

NAH sales guys - don't know why you feed the trolls! Trust in the brand.

How are you explaining yourselves to the vets when they ask you why novartis was screwing them by charging 300% higher before your fiasco, and refusing to accept returned/ out of date product?

Hmmmm the best I see is that you are main lining it to the vets they are turning around and selling to the grey market and continuing to sell product that at least haven't lied or screwed them over.

btw the clinics high school helper just showed the poor noveatis rep the door. he he he.
one thing sentinel does do is develop thick skin .... for the reps.
Does your company provide the needed low self esteem counseling...it must be hard having the door slammed in your faces....still trying to sell 20 year old product....you and meriel.....

Wow. Go troll over back to the Trifexis board. Sentinel is going like wildfire. Every clinic likes it and understands we only have one product now, hence the price decrease. Good luck selling Trifexis that has gone up 10% in one year, that's a true business partner.

How are you explaining yourselves to the vets when they ask you why novartis was screwing them by charging 300% higher before your fiasco, and refusing to accept returned/ out of date product?

Hmmmm the best I see is that you are main lining it to the vets they are turning around and selling to the grey market and continuing to sell product that at least haven't lied or screwed them over.

btw the clinics high school helper just showed the poor noveatis rep the door. he he he.
one thing sentinel does do is develop thick skin .... for the reps.
Does your company provide the needed low self esteem counseling...it must be hard having the door slammed in your faces....still trying to sell 20 year old product....you and meriel.....

First of all learn to spell Merial, secondly, new products coming soon!!

Nobody in animal health is trying to get on with Novartis.

Tritrak is simply the admission that FLP is just a good product not great, adding things to it for better efficacy and now they will use track and trace... Right

Merial and Novartis reps how do you explain sear grants making this product for you and selling the same products under their names in big box stores and Petmeds already?

Get off the boards and go sell product you morons