Slow and Painful

Maybe they won't offer self ID like in 2012? But, laid off OR self ID, what's the difference? ....two weeks pay for every year served plus one week, right? So a 10 year rep gets 20 weeks minimum.
I don't see how legally it would ever be less than that or class action lawsuit. I'd think they would do the RIGHT thing and offer a self identification period. There would be masses flocking to that this time!!!!!!!!
Plus Warren Act. 90 day.

Maybe they won't offer self ID like in 2012? But, laid off OR self ID, what's the difference? ....two weeks pay for every year served plus one week, right? So a 10 year rep gets 20 weeks minimum.
I don't see how legally it would ever be less than that or class action lawsuit. I'd think they would do the RIGHT thing and offer a self identification period. There would be masses flocking to that this time!!!!!!!!

So, Mr. Lawyer, where is it written they have to pay you ANY severance? They can change the severance program to anything they want, anytime they want. Pfizer cut their's in half years ago! You morons kill me when you talk about "class action lawsuits"! God, you people are sooo damn stupid! If they allow self-ID, and I am sure they will, you won't have "masses flocking" to volunteer. You didn't have many at all volunteer in January 2012, only those in retirement range or if they already had another job lined up.

All of you idiots knew this was coming for years, and you have sat around on your complacent, lazy asses, refusing to even look to see what was out there. Now you are pissing yourselves in fear the ax is coming down on your neck! Ever heard of the word "proactive"? AZ could fire 75% and never even know it. I left a year ago, and make more than i would ever hope to make at AZ. This thing will take place over 2017 as well, and most of you will just sit there and do nothing , hoping to survive. Idiots all.

So, Mr. Lawyer, where is it written they have to pay you ANY severance? They can change the severance program to anything they want, anytime they want. Pfizer cut their's in half years ago! You morons kill me when you talk about "class action lawsuits"! God, you people are sooo damn stupid! If they allow self-ID, and I am sure they will, you won't have "masses flocking" to volunteer. You didn't have many at all volunteer in January 2012, only those in retirement range or if they already had another job lined up.

All of you idiots knew this was coming for years, and you have sat around on your complacent, lazy asses, refusing to even look to see what was out there. Now you are pissing yourselves in fear the ax is coming down on your neck! Ever heard of the word "proactive"? AZ could fire 75% and never even know it. I left a year ago, and make more than i would ever hope to make at AZ. This thing will take place over 2017 as well, and most of you will just sit there and do nothing , hoping to survive. Idiots all.
Bored ?, please go some fucking place ..... Like ex -looser AZ reps forum . Leave us alone and let us do our thing - what ever it may be . If you and anyone else do have any insight or information to offer - go crawl back under your pharma blanket.

So, Mr. Lawyer, where is it written they have to pay you ANY severance? They can change the severance program to anything they want, anytime they want. Pfizer cut their's in half years ago! You morons kill me when you talk about "class action lawsuits"! God, you people are sooo damn stupid! If they allow self-ID, and I am sure they will, you won't have "masses flocking" to volunteer. You didn't have many at all volunteer in January 2012, only those in retirement range or if they already had another job lined up.

All of you idiots knew this was coming for years, and you have sat around on your complacent, lazy asses, refusing to even look to see what was out there. Now you are pissing yourselves in fear the ax is coming down on your neck! Ever heard of the word "proactive"? AZ could fire 75% and never even know it. I left a year ago, and make more than i would ever hope to make at AZ. This thing will take place over 2017 as well, and most of you will just sit there and do nothing , hoping to survive. Idiots all.

100% correct! Severance programs are never guaranteed. Then you have all the hollow class action lawsuit threats that are just plain silly. We don't know IF the U.S. sales team will even be affected, let alone to what degree. We all knew this was possible, and like the above post states, the vast majority of us are completely complacent and lazy. I plead guilty. I kept meaning to see what was out there, but never really did.

It's been over 4 years since the last layoff, and for this industry, that's a lifetime. We are way overdo, and we all know it.

I'm a retired rep. Don't really need to work, 60 years old. I have great insurance , I want to do flex time of 3 days a week. Recruiters have told me that several "large" companies will be hiring. Soon. I'd love 25 hours a week for 40 k. Sorry

Much as I hate to admit it,this and contract reps are the wave of the future. It's easy to get rid of them, as opposed to paying a billion $$

maybe quick and painful. The way Pascal made it sound, they want to invest in oncology at the expense of everything else. What is the best way to accomplish that? Sell off the entire diabetes franchise to Sanofi and let them handle all the layoffs.

Why Sanofi?

Because sanofi is hurting from the loss of Lantus exclusivity and they would be a good fit for all of the non insulin diabetes drugs that AZ has. AZ and sanofi already have an agreement in place to share all of their scientific data so they are already doing business together. AZ is not showing a real interest in Diabetes while Sanofi has declared itself a diabetes company.

Because sanofi is hurting from the loss of Lantus exclusivity and they would be a good fit for all of the non insulin diabetes drugs that AZ has. AZ and sanofi already have an agreement in place to share all of their scientific data so they are already doing business together. AZ is not showing a real interest in Diabetes while Sanofi has declared itself a diabetes company.

I don't think our diabetes drugs are anything that any other company would want. Like it or not, we are stuck with them.

It pisses me off that a hiring manager would suggest that receiving a package makes you somehow "less than". It is an excuse because time and time again, people hire friends and family or anyone they want. I am not walking away from what could be a decent severence for a bullshit job just to say I was a self starter and beat the clock.

If you stay in pharma 75% of hiring managers, their superiors or direct reports got let go got a package and carried on with a new gig.

Don't worry about what anyone says--hang on, fight tooth and nail to get that package--you will need it, and why not suck as much out of AZ's pocket as you can. In these times, only fools would suggest you are "less than." They owe it to you.

Don't worry about what anyone says--hang on, fight tooth and nail to get that package--you will need it, and why not suck as much out of AZ's pocket as you can. In these times, only fools would suggest you are "less than." They owe it to you.

I have seen and survived 3 of these AZ layoffs and can tell you from experience, don't believe anything you are told from leadership, look after your future financial situation, prepare for the worst and hope for the best. When they make the final selections of who stays and who goes, none of it will make any sense because we look at things rationally. These layoffs are done strictly by the numbers and it has nothing to do with how well you have performed. You will see multiple circle winners let go while those you know that can't put two sentences together may stay.

Read the email. It will be mostly in the US. Single digits. Let's assume there are 5000 reps, that could be 500 laid off. It could be all from one or two teams where it will have a major impact. Hey loved the emails about focusing Etc. I want to know. It's way too distracting.

Read the email. It will be mostly in the US. Single digits. Let's assume there are 5000 reps, that could be 500 laid off. It could be all from one or two teams where it will have a major impact. Hey loved the emails about focusing Etc. I want to know. It's way too distracting.
Agree, but I wonder how that gets to 1 billion plus savings , more to come or is his estimates bullshit !

Read the email. It will be mostly in the US. Single digits. Let's assume there are 5000 reps, that could be 500 laid off. It could be all from one or two teams where it will have a major impact. Hey loved the emails about focusing Etc. I want to know. It's way too distracting.
Don't forget Home Office

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