Skinmedica Culture

If someone wants to initiate the process, I'll come forward. Years and years of un paid overtime and harassment would make for a really good civil case. We would just need to have more people come forward. Anyone game?

I worked for the company mentioned in the post for 12 years before they filed the class action case mentioned above. I was paid out overtime for all the years that I worked for the company. We were not paid for dinner programs, convention and trade shows, over time, etc. My payout was $28,000. This was a class action lawsuit and they had to pay out all women that were employed during the time in question. It was a huge lawsuit. I recommend that someone starts a class action suit. It seems like from this board that employees are over worked and not paid for the overtime. The courts are looking for reasons to fine the pharmaceutical companies and it seems as though you have a case. It only takes one person to file and an investigation is launched. Everyone else can jump on with a class action suite. The company in question paid out all women employed during the time in question for overtime. It was an awesome addition to my pay check. Thanks Novartis for paving the way for all class action lawsuits to come!!

Skinmedica is the worst company ever! They are clueless how to retain people. I hate this company, I can't wait to leave and do a happy dance. Allergan is great but skm sucks! Our leaders suck! Joe needs to go... He's ruining the company!

Take a look at the open positions! There are about 10 if not more... And they are not from an expansion.

People want out!!!!! Turnover is extremely high at skm. Turnover has always been low at allergan. Bob, I hope you are taking note at this turnover. It's because skm managers are bullies. SAMs are clueless and joe breeds the wrong kind of culture- certainly not am agn culture. We need change!!!! We want change!!! Agn and skm tm's feel the same! Please help!

Skinmedica Culture | Class Action Suite Anyone?

ATTENTION ALL: I am a former employee who has retained an Employment Attorney. I have been watching the board and have asked my lawyer if he/she would be interested in a Class Action Law Suite against SkinMedica an Allergan company. Issues I encountered: over-time and not being paid, work place harassment, discrimination, retaliation, hostile work environment. Unfortunately "bullying" is not against the law and although California is an At-Will employer/employee state there are Federal laws that all companies need to abide by. I am bringing these concerns to the forefront and ready to take on AGN by myself. What this company is doing is wrong and far too many people have left, been fired or forced out illegally and I plan to prove that.

I have created an anonymous email since SKM and AGN HR checks this site. If you are interested in piggy backing on my civil suit as well as starting a class action suit please feel free to email me at: SKM Enough Is Enough AGN!!!! I'll be happy to personally share my experience and provide my attorney's information.

The only way this is going to stop is if we all pull together as one. I for one, plan on doing this solo but would love to see my former colleagues get on board.

Let's stop AGN/SKM!!

I am so excited that someone has come forward and is going to start the ball rolling. This will be no easy task, but it can be done. I look forward to speaking with you soon about the class action. I will definitely come forward and tell my story. Everything that you said happened to you has also happened to me. I have other colleagues past and present that were treated the same way and would love to participate as well. Please, anyone that feels this happened to you go on the email and reach out to the person that has contacted the attorney. I can think of 10 people that will come forward. We need to all ban together to make this happen. The good old boy network needs to crumble. The law is in our favor. We work a ton of over time on events that we do not get compensated for. When Novartis paid out millions for the exact same thing it was based on dinner programs and conventions and we all know that at SKM we do 50 plus events a year which is way more than what you do as a pharma rep. This might be just the thing to get our deserved justice for the abuse we all had to put up with for way too long. SKM....we're coming for you!!!

The "events" as they are referred to, are a joke! They are nothing more than free drinks, free food, and free sex, especially for certain RSM's aforementioned on this thread! The triple L club it's called. LIFE LONG LOSERS

Get off the board troll. We work our butts off at our events to help our accounts promote product so we can grow their business and sell them more product afterwards to make our quota. You obviously have no idea what is referred to as an " event" with SKM. It is on the up and up. What is wrong is that we do not get paid for the overtime that we put in to all of the events. That is where the class action law suit would work well here. We are the hardest working sales reps in the aesthetic industry as well as pharma industry.

I will come forward. I will email you. I was harassed and worked countless hours trying to keep my job. Thank god I am out now but I actually ended up with clinical depression and having anxiety from this crappy place. Medical records to prove it. Thank you for getting this going!

Me too! Xanax became my best friend this year... Sucks but it is true !!!!! So sad that I've put my health on hold trying to keep my job. I wake up with stress, I go to bed with stress.

I hate it.

I will come forward as well. I had to go on Prosac and I too have the medical records to prove it. I also had to see a therapist for the mental anguish that SKM put me through the last year. In fact, I already contacted the anonymous email but no response yet. Please get in touch with me. You have my email.