Sitting through the office-based reps award dinner?

I am extremely disappointed with this decision. I enjoy being a team player in other capacities but have no desire to co promote a product I am selling. I joined Cadence for that small culture and mentality. Unfortunately this has sealed my decision to find a new job despite loving the product I sell.

So agree!

i agree with post 13. Now to follow Hughs suggestion of transparency and speaking out.

i am completely following his rip off the hospitals price increase strategy, ruin the companys reputation, destroy any good will we had with pharmacy or customers and completely demoralize the sales force. After all how else is mnk going to be a top line pharma company by 2018 with bottom-line revenue of 20-25%.

To be clear i do not have any concern about working with the MNK people. I dont even know why it is such a point of annoyance for people. The fact that Hugh is in charge is what has me most concerned. it is clear his philosophy is put round peg in square hole and no one better ask questions because you dont know as much as i do. However during conference calls he will read the HR slide that speaks of transparency and speaking up but dont make the mistake of doing it.
Lets measure results:
1Ofirmiv has clearly made a large revenue increase. Demonstrates a bold move.
2Xartimes on a theoretical basis is an incredibly bad drug to launch in todays market and reality seems to prove that. Demonstrates lack of understanding of the market
3Hired and let go the launch team within six months. Blamed the sales team to justify the failure. Demonstrates his lack of judgement and character
4 HAs demoralized entire cadence team, sent thought leaders/advocates running as a result of #1. Potentially making any launch difficult as advocates wont trust MNK pricing. Demonstrates lack of vision
5 Increase size of hospital sales force. Really. Could be a good move to fill all the vacancies next year and to bring in new blood that might be used to not thinking on the job and just doing what they are told like a zombie. Demonstrates that salespeople are a dime a dozen.

Look forward to holding hands Monday night and saying how the future looks amazing.
Maybe we buy Purdue and sell more addicting opioids that in most cases are sold on the street to addicts.

i agree with post 13. Now to follow Hughs suggestion of transparency and speaking out.

i am completely following his rip off the hospitals price increase strategy, ruin the companys reputation, destroy any good will we had with pharmacy or customers and completely demoralize the sales force. After all how else is mnk going to be a top line pharma company by 2018 with bottom-line revenue of 20-25%.

To be clear i do not have any concern about working with the MNK people. I dont even know why it is such a point of annoyance for people. The fact that Hugh is in charge is what has me most concerned. it is clear his philosophy is put round peg in square hole and no one better ask questions because you dont know as much as i do. However during conference calls he will read the HR slide that speaks of transparency and speaking up but dont make the mistake of doing it.
Lets measure results:
1Ofirmiv has clearly made a large revenue increase. Demonstrates a bold move.
2Xartimes on a theoretical basis is an incredibly bad drug to launch in todays market and reality seems to prove that. Demonstrates lack of understanding of the market
3Hired and let go the launch team within six months. Blamed the sales team to justify the failure. Demonstrates his lack of judgement and character
4 HAs demoralized entire cadence team, sent thought leaders/advocates running as a result of #1. Potentially making any launch difficult as advocates wont trust MNK pricing. Demonstrates lack of vision
5 Increase size of hospital sales force. Really. Could be a good move to fill all the vacancies next year and to bring in new blood that might be used to not thinking on the job and just doing what they are told like a zombie. Demonstrates that salespeople are a dime a dozen.

Look forward to holding hands Monday night and saying how the future looks amazing.
Maybe we buy Purdue and sell more addicting opioids that in most cases are sold on the street to addicts.

Very, very well said. As an MNK rep who once loved my job and loved the culture, I have seen Hugh and more so, Stacy, destroy it to the core. I feel bad for all my friends and colleagues who have lost their job because of their 1990's Big Pharma mentality and also feel bad for the Cadence reps as you will surely soon hate your jobs as much.
There have been many great MNK management and RD's who have agreed and said exactly what you did. They chose to move on.
I really hope management reads this and knows how we feel. However, I am sure they don't care. As you said, they think we are a dime a dozen.
What does Cadence management think of them? Are they sickened? Has anyone left?
Please know we are all in the same boat.

i agree with post 13. Now to follow Hughs suggestion of transparency and speaking out.

i am completely following his rip off the hospitals price increase strategy, ruin the companys reputation, destroy any good will we had with pharmacy or customers and completely demoralize the sales force. After all how else is mnk going to be a top line pharma company by 2018 with bottom-line revenue of 20-25%.

To be clear i do not have any concern about working with the MNK people. I dont even know why it is such a point of annoyance for people. The fact that Hugh is in charge is what has me most concerned. it is clear his philosophy is put round peg in square hole and no one better ask questions because you dont know as much as i do. However during conference calls he will read the HR slide that speaks of transparency and speaking up but dont make the mistake of doing it.
Lets measure results:
1Ofirmiv has clearly made a large revenue increase. Demonstrates a bold move.
2Xartimes on a theoretical basis is an incredibly bad drug to launch in todays market and reality seems to prove that. Demonstrates lack of understanding of the market
3Hired and let go the launch team within six months. Blamed the sales team to justify the failure. Demonstrates his lack of judgement and character
4 HAs demoralized entire cadence team, sent thought leaders/advocates running as a result of #1. Potentially making any launch difficult as advocates wont trust MNK pricing. Demonstrates lack of vision
5 Increase size of hospital sales force. Really. Could be a good move to fill all the vacancies next year and to bring in new blood that might be used to not thinking on the job and just doing what they are told like a zombie. Demonstrates that salespeople are a dime a dozen.

Look forward to holding hands Monday night and saying how the future looks amazing.
Maybe we buy Purdue and sell more addicting opioids that in most cases are sold on the street to addicts.

That's you're problem. You clearly must be an average to low performing rep and I wouldn't believe otherwise regardless of what you counter with. Making comments like reps are a dime a dozen outlines how average you are. A top performing rep takes sole ownership of their territory and full responsibility. You don't have those qualities and you never will

That's you're problem. You clearly must be an average to low performing rep and I wouldn't believe otherwise regardless of what you counter with. Making comments like reps are a dime a dozen outlines how average you are. A top performing rep takes sole ownership of their territory and full responsibility. You don't have those qualities and you never will

Yes that is the difference between a good rep that actually works and a mediocre rep that takes no ownership I'm what they do. If people don't think they make a difference then they should quit and find something else to do with their life

Hey management has joined the post!

So you read that entire post that gives an opinion of upper managements with some substance and your conclusion is the poster must be a poor performer that doesn't take ownership. Followed with you dont care what the person counters with and offer no substance to your point. I stand behind all my rankings. You sound like an immature manager to me. Blindly defend the company and no integrity. Did someones feeling get hurt. BTW there are plenty of dsms with integrity just not you.

The comment of reps are a dime a dozen was a clear reference to upper managements opinion of us. I dont think H would disagree in 90% of the cases.

130 reps take ownership everyday and so did 250 mnk reps. that is the point.
did it matter in the end to 175 of them. what about you cadence.

Cadence representatives are some of the most egotistical, over self important, overpaid blowhard people in the industry. Most think they lower themselves to sell narcotics and seem to think that surgeries can be done without narcotics which is laughable. Narcotics were always and will continue to be the main component of multimodel pain control in a hospital. It continues to amaze me how important most of you think you are while you are still here bitching like babies. I guess employers are not knocking your door down and they won't be when you go to look for jobs next year. No you will still be here next year at the time crying about selling narcotics.

Cadence representatives are some of the most egotistical, over self important, overpaid blowhard people in the industry. Most think they lower themselves to sell narcotics and seem to think that surgeries can be done without narcotics which is laughable. Narcotics were always and will continue to be the main component of multimodel pain control in a hospital. It continues to amaze me how important most of you think you are while you are still here bitching like babies. I guess employers are not knocking your door down and they won't be when you go to look for jobs next year. No you will still be here next year at the time crying about selling narcotics.

You are a simple moron and everything you speak of is simply not the case. You don't even know any of the Cadence reps. If you are one of the Mallinckrodt reps....then congratulations on being part of one of the most dismal launches in all of pharmaceutical history. At least have the balls to quit the job if you are one that acknowledges the drug is a dog. If you feel the drug is good, then you have no excuse and should have been able to produce the sales.

Also, for your information, there are plenty of surgeries that are now being done completely without narcotics by combining multiple non-narcotics. Narcotics may still in some cases be a "necessary evil," but R&D shouldn't be invested in creating new narcotics, it should be investing in powerful non-narcotic alternatives and if you did your research you would find there are some in the works right now. You are wrong with the point "narcotics will always be the main component of pain management."

Unlike yourself, I have standards and will only sell a drug that I personally believe in. I have enough integrity and moral responsibility that I will quit a job if they give me a drug that I don't believe in. I have already done this in a previous job and left a bunch of money in the table. So yes, you are right. I WILL NOT sell a narcotic and many of my Cadence Colleagues completely agree. You sold Xartemis and that was YOUR choice. Personally, I would have walked away from that drug and the job. If the time comes and they try to give us a crappy drug, then that will be the time I will start interviewing for a new job.

So let's make one thing clear, just because I have standards, I don't consider myself over-important and you have no idea how much I get paid. So my advice to you is to shut up as you don't know what the hell you are talking about and your enormous lack of immaturity only further enhances why I consider you nothing more than an under-educated primary care sales rep.

"Also, for your information, there are plenty of surgeries that are now being done completely without narcotics by combining multiple non-narcotics. Narcotics may still in some cases be a "necessary evil,"

Yes, like open hearts, most heart procedures, backs, neuro, knee replacements, hip replacements, shoulders, many OB cases, gall bladders, bariatrics. Every one of the cases use narcotics and are not "some cases" according to you.

You claim you have standards but you are still working here and your moral compass and integrity lets you stay here while you waiting for a bonus. And now the best, primary care reps are undereducated according to you. That's really funny, hospital representatives including Cadence losers have no more education to get your job. You are just a loser with a heightened sense of importance and you will find this out when your moral compass won't let you stay here and the job market hits you in the ass. Go peddle you tylenol for brain surgery now, I hear it works great.

Some of us stay here because we actually like selling OFIRMEV you idiot. That has nothing to do with going against our morals or ethics. If we are forced to sell a drug we don't believe in, we will leave. And if you actually worked with some surgeons, some of the actual cases you just referred to BELIEVE IT OR NOT go completely without narcotics. So go away Xartemis trash. You simply perpetuate there are idiots in this world.

...oh and by the way, you're the one that needs brain surgery. Loser.

"Also, for your information, there are plenty of surgeries that are now being done completely without narcotics by combining multiple non-narcotics. Narcotics may still in some cases be a "necessary evil,"

Yes, like open hearts, most heart procedures, backs, neuro, knee replacements, hip replacements, shoulders, many OB cases, gall bladders, bariatrics. Every one of the cases use narcotics and are not "some cases" according to you.

You claim you have standards but you are still working here and your moral compass and integrity lets you stay here while you waiting for a bonus. And now the best, primary care reps are undereducated according to you. That's really funny, hospital representatives including Cadence losers have no more education to get your job. You are just a loser with a heightened sense of importance and you will find this out when your moral compass won't let you stay here and the job market hits you in the ass. Go peddle you tylenol for brain surgery now, I hear it works great.

I love the tread. Now I am stupid, do realistically care about my employment and whether i sell narcs or not they are so 1995. My only other point is that i do work hard and do well in the rankings (well is a relative term and i m not defining it now). I dont get why people get so involved in these threads but not being that smart i understand that im not able to understand. Some call it self aware but i call it being basic and it suits and serves me well. I look forward to meeting everyone tomorrow and even sharing a beer with the Cadence and MNK crew.

It is a known fact that 70% of people are basic like me but also a fact 80% of those are too smart to realize it. Now try adding 80 and 70. it's tough right! 80 can be a scary number so if you break it down to 50 (not scary) and pair it with 30 it wont be as scary. Now do the same for 70. That is make it 50 and 20. So in conclusion is it not easier to add 50, 50, 20 and 30 to get 150 vs the scary 80 plus 70. Unless you decide to estimate.

I love the tread. Now I am stupid, do realistically care about my employment and whether i sell narcs or not they are so 1995. My only other point is that i do work hard and do well in the rankings (well is a relative term and i m not defining it now). I dont get why people get so involved in these threads but not being that smart i understand that im not able to understand. Some call it self aware but i call it being basic and it suits and serves me well. I look forward to meeting everyone tomorrow and even sharing a beer with the Cadence and MNK crew.

It is a known fact that 70% of people are basic like me but also a fact 80% of those are too smart to realize it. Now try adding 80 and 70. it's tough right! 80 can be a scary number so if you break it down to 50 (not scary) and pair it with 30 it wont be as scary. Now do the same for 70. That is make it 50 and 20. So in conclusion is it not easier to add 50, 50, 20 and 30 to get 150 vs the scary 80 plus 70. Unless you decide to estimate.

Have another drink, Sparky!

You are a simple moron and everything you speak of is simply not the case. You don't even know any of the Cadence reps. If you are one of the Mallinckrodt reps....then congratulations on being part of one of the most dismal launches in all of pharmaceutical history. At least have the balls to quit the job if you are one that acknowledges the drug is a dog. If you feel the drug is good, then you have no excuse and should have been able to produce the sales.

Also, for your information, there are plenty of surgeries that are now being done completely without narcotics by combining multiple non-narcotics. Narcotics may still in some cases be a "necessary evil," but R&D shouldn't be invested in creating new narcotics, it should be investing in powerful non-narcotic alternatives and if you did your research you would find there are some in the works right now. You are wrong with the point "narcotics will always be the main component of pain management."

Unlike yourself, I have standards and will only sell a drug that I personally believe in. I have enough integrity and moral responsibility that I will quit a job if they give me a drug that I don't believe in. I have already done this in a previous job and left a bunch of money in the table. So yes, you are right. I WILL NOT sell a narcotic and many of my Cadence Colleagues completely agree. You sold Xartemis and that was YOUR choice. Personally, I would have walked away from that drug and the job. If the time comes and they try to give us a crappy drug, then that will be the time I will start interviewing for a new job.

So let's make one thing clear, just because I have standards, I don't consider myself over-important and you have no idea how much I get paid. So my advice to you is to shut up as you don't know what the hell you are talking about and your enormous lack of immaturity only further enhances why I consider you nothing more than an under-educated primary care sales rep.

Wow, you claim not to be self-important, but listen to yourself! You are so high and mighty that you would quit a job rather than sell a drug that you don't believe in? You must have a spouse that makes enough to support your family - because most people don't have that choice - and especially in today's job market. So congratulations that you are financially stable enough to walk away from the salary, insurance and other benefits. Others of us aren't quite so lucky. Glad your morals and integrity pay the mortgage.

A little history - MNK is one of the largest narcotic makers in the country. It has one of the few DEA licenses that allow them to import raw opium to make the numerous products. The bread and butter of this company is not Ofirmev and the egotistical reps that sell it, but generic opioids and APIs that they sell. So, sweetcheeks, I doubt MNK is going to walk away from the narcotics market and go off and do R&D for doing surgery without them.

And get off of calling MNK reps PRIMARY CARE reps. The branded division has been calling on mostly specialists for a very long time. Primary care percentage is so small of our call volume that you precious Cadence reps really need to drop it.

There is something that all of you better understand very quickly. If you don't like it, leave. Because the upper management of the NEW MNK does not give one shit about what you want and what you think. If they want you in an awards dinner to co-mingle with your new colleagues, you will do it. If they want you to sell a narcotic or co-promote Ofirmev with an office based rep, you will do it.

And, just so you know, MNK was not always like this. We used to have a company that was wonderful to work for, not perfect, but certainly eons better than what we have now. So get it through your head, Cadence reps, we are suffering too!

Wow, you claim not to be self-important, but listen to yourself! You are so high and mighty that you would quit a job rather than sell a drug that you don't believe in? You must have a spouse that makes enough to support your family - because most people don't have that choice - and especially in today's job market. So congratulations that you are financially stable enough to walk away from the salary, insurance and other benefits. Others of us aren't quite so lucky. Glad your morals and integrity pay the mortgage.

A little history - MNK is one of the largest narcotic makers in the country. It has one of the few DEA licenses that allow them to import raw opium to make the numerous products. The bread and butter of this company is not Ofirmev and the egotistical reps that sell it, but generic opioids and APIs that they sell. So, sweetcheeks, I doubt MNK is going to walk away from the narcotics market and go off and do R&D for doing surgery without them.

And get off of calling MNK reps PRIMARY CARE reps. The branded division has been calling on mostly specialists for a very long time. Primary care percentage is so small of our call volume that you precious Cadence reps really need to drop it.

There is something that all of you better understand very quickly. If you don't like it, leave. Because the upper management of the NEW MNK does not give one shit about what you want and what you think. If they want you in an awards dinner to co-mingle with your new colleagues, you will do it. If they want you to sell a narcotic or co-promote Ofirmev with an office based rep, you will do it.

And, just so you know, MNK was not always like this. We used to have a company that was wonderful to work for, not perfect, but certainly eons better than what we have now. So get it through your head, Cadence reps, we are suffering too!

Listen, I'm not even the prior poster but agree with what they said. I'm not going to sell a drug that I don't believe in as well. Why it's true that jobs aren't as plentiful as they used to be, I get regular calls from recruiters and confident enough that I could secure another good job within a few months. I just won't go to work each day selling something I don't believe in. As for the narcotics, yes it bothers me s great deal that the vast revenue for MNK is narcotics, but I truly believe in OFIRMEV and until that situation changes I will stay. But again, like many others, my resume is ready to go if I get told I am selling a piece of crap.

Wow, you claim not to be self-important, but listen to yourself! You are so high and mighty that you would quit a job rather than sell a drug that you don't believe in? You must have a spouse that makes enough to support your family - because most people don't have that choice - and especially in today's job market. So congratulations that you are financially stable enough to walk away from the salary, insurance and other benefits. Others of us aren't quite so lucky. Glad your morals and integrity pay the mortgage.

A little history - MNK is one of the largest narcotic makers in the country. It has one of the few DEA licenses that allow them to import raw opium to make the numerous products. The bread and butter of this company is not Ofirmev and the egotistical reps that sell it, but generic opioids and APIs that they sell. So, sweetcheeks, I doubt MNK is going to walk away from the narcotics market and go off and do R&D for doing surgery without them.

And get off of calling MNK reps PRIMARY CARE reps. The branded division has been calling on mostly specialists for a very long time. Primary care percentage is so small of our call volume that you precious Cadence reps really need to drop it.

There is something that all of you better understand very quickly. If you don't like it, leave. Because the upper management of the NEW MNK does not give one shit about what you want and what you think. If they want you in an awards dinner to co-mingle with your new colleagues, you will do it. If they want you to sell a narcotic or co-promote Ofirmev with an office based rep, you will do it.

And, just so you know, MNK was not always like this. We used to have a company that was wonderful to work for, not perfect, but certainly eons better than what we have now. So get it through your head, Cadence reps, we are suffering too!

You don't think we all don't know this? I agree with my colleagues and will find another job if given something that I would not like to sell. Personally, I would not want to sell a narcotic. This job takes up a huge portion of my life and if I don't feel personally fulfilled, I will walk. You are the one that is making negative comments. What? You don't think we couldn't find another great job? I have a strong successful background with great relationships and I have worked very hard to get there. That isn't meant to sound boisterous, but I know I could get another great job if I needed to. Would I have interviewed with Mallinckrodt as a company if we weren't purchased? No. But for now, I do believe in OFIRMEV and will stay as long as it is good. If things drastically change, I will start interviewing.

You don't think we all don't know this? I agree with my colleagues and will find another job if given something that I would not like to sell. Personally, I would not want to sell a narcotic. This job takes up a huge portion of my life and if I don't feel personally fulfilled, I will walk. You are the one that is making negative comments. What? You don't think we couldn't find another great job? I have a strong successful background with great relationships and I have worked very hard to get there. That isn't meant to sound boisterous, but I know I could get another great job if I needed to. Would I have interviewed with Mallinckrodt as a company if we weren't purchased? No. But for now, I do believe in OFIRMEV and will stay as long as it is good. If things drastically change, I will start interviewing.

Yes other companies are knocking your door down. You will be here next year, 2 years from now or even 5 years from now saying you won't sell a narcotic and you are one step out the door because everyone loves me!!! Get real, you are just a pharmaceutical representative like the rest of us who is having less and less influence every year.