
What happened to their infamous mask??? Has sintx failed to let investors know their mask partner O2today doesn’t even exist anymore??? The facility in salt lake by Sintx, nothing more than a joke. It truly appears that sintx lied the entire time, and used mask news to raise money to stay open….. what a shady company. We can only assume there is no large orders for armor as the building open and it’s been 4 days with no material news…. We can only assume the over 10 year old used machines produce a product that nobody wanted in the first place as the company before sintx failed as well with these same machines. Sintx praying for world war 3 so they don’t fail in this as well…. CEO and BOD should resign immediately for failing shareholders year after year after year…. Their egos are as big as could be, yet everyone laughs at them behind their backs and they are nothing more than failures in the business world. I’d be embarrassed to be associated with sintx, I’m here waiting for the class action against them. Get some money back from the crooks.

Typical sintx. Sit on material news to allow anson, maxim, and the other new dark shorts to cover positions just to reshoot after they release the news. Patent news to drop any day, sintx has 48 more hours to PR it. Everyone knows, shareholders have been desperate to pump it for 2 days now, and sintx remains silent…. Why do they always allow news to spread to shorts before they PR it? Obvious they are not in shareholder interest game, and only helping those who get paid to sell shares for the company. Reverse splits and dilution, now more shorting will occur as soon as they PR the patent and the Sintx/Maxim/Anson pump and dumps will continue, while shareholders pay the bills and salaries. Criminal imo.

Nobody gives a crap nor does anyone know what you are talking about. This board is limited to the stellar leadership of zb and how they are winning.
Sintx pumpers can’t keep zimmers name out of his mouth. Ask Scott Mosier, for over 5 years he’s been the leader of this wild theory of how Zimmer will be saved by sintx… Sintx doesn’t have a page as they are way to scandalous and small, so Zimmer is Sintx cp forum wether you like it or not. Not like anyone has anything good to say about Zimmer, at least it keeps the Z name out of the gutter for now. Probably Z management keeping it going at this point.

Sonny Ballz wet dream has finally been let go. Scott M aka Boston745 finally done with sintx after saying for 7 years this company is billions of dollars. In reality, the deficit is over 250million spent on this disaster of management and F ups. If you believed Scott and lost money I’d be extremely upset, as he’s now on Teslas forums screaming negative nonsense 24/7 begging people not to buy cars. Who pumps a shit company for years and years then dumps them and talk crap about Elon and Tesla 24/7?
Sociopathic narcissistic psychopath with absolutely no life who’s been wrong and failed every step of his life. Wild. Just wild.

New all time lows!!! Now down 99.96% since IPO, management doesn’t invest in themselves, institutions stay away from investing, banks won’t loan money so they sell shares to maxim who allready shorts them. 100% textbook death spiral financing, maxim, anson, and the new buyers all have Sintx hostage and management has to be in cahoots with them at this point. Can’t be that negligent for this many years pretending to be dumb. Sintx needs investigated and charges imo. Send me to jail.

Another all time low. Sintx got caught by shareholders doing cashless warrant conversions with maxim who we are 99.9% sure was named shorting shares and using these to cover, resulting in more unexpected dilution, and crashing share price more. Management absolutely clueless at sintx, sintx own all of .17% of shares of the company, yes, that’s .17, less than 1/4 of 1% of shares. Sintx doesn’t even believe they can become something, they refuse into invest own money and so far have blown through 250 million of other peoples. Quarter of a billion dollars down the drain and they still don’t think they can make a profit anytime soon. They are straight up crooks. Why would anyone work with them, trust them ect after what they have done to people for years. Sintx = Failure That’s all that name means to anyone important.

10k highlights!

1) Our shares have only octupled x8 since the reverse split all the way back to Dec 20, 2022

2) We've gone from a high of only 372$ per share to under 2 dollars since the 1q of 2021

3) Our beloved ceo maintains his salary (400k) but unfortunately, received only a 31k bonus (along with other perks) instead of the annual 40k for his continued exceptional work.

Flirting with that dollar again after 100-1 reverse split. That’s how you steal peoples money! These clowns are the joke of ALL industries, should be in jail for what they have done to shareholders! Lies lies lies and some more lies. Hell, if it’s this easy to steal from investors and nothing happens I guess we all should start a public company and pay ourselves handsomely with investors money!

Hey Zimmer, according to Scott Mosier aka Boston745 these 3 have been running the show for Zimmer secretly conspiring. Sintx is your savior according to Scott, for 20+ years now CEO Sonny Bal pulling the strings for you for this immaculate buyout that’s been coming for 10 years now, just waiting for the right moment to strike apparently. What ever happened to that 2nd femoral head study with Sintx and Vit E liners in Japan? Per Scott yiu supplied the liners, so what are those long awaited results we were promised years ago? Any at Zimmer even heard of Sintx?

Sonny Bal the old ortho surgeon in Missouri??? He was a conformis user for years, not Zimmer. He wanted nothing to do with our sales guy up there, hell, conformis might have even been paying him for all I know, nobody else would touch their implants but Bal in the area, and what a disaster conformis has been with their business/CEO, as the market and industry has seen.

Sonny Bal the old ortho surgeon in Missouri??? He was a conformis user for years, not Zimmer. He wanted nothing to do with our sales guy up there, hell, conformis might have even been paying him for all I know, nobody else would touch their implants but Bal in the area, and what a disaster conformis has been with their business/CEO, as the market and industry has seen.

You shouldn’t comment when you are clueless.

You shouldn’t comment when you are clueless.

You shouldn’t comment when you are clueless.
Clueless???? Sintx leadership is clueless. Look at that company, run by complete morons of the industry…: over 250 million spent, mostly from shareholders through selling shares through toxic death spiral financing as banks don’t trust these crooks, revenue and products non existent. Conformis leadership and sintx leadership are 2 peas in a pod, hell, they are even buddies…. I’d expect sintx to be sold as scrap and shareholders get screwed like conformis shareholders are currently being screwed. Sintx has Scott Mosier, Maxim, Anson and a Sonny Bal working to pump and dump investors again and again, all of them deserve prison together for their lies to shareholders for years and years and years. Shareholders would LOVE to see Bal locked up, and we report him to the SEC along with Scott and Moez Kassam from anson who is allready under investigation for fraud and works with Bal to short Sintx based off years of their partnership and results. SEC has 100’s of reports on sintx and their BS.

This pig should have been put to sleep 5 years ago, instead the BOD changed bylaws to protect their paychecks. Literally using this for free shareholder money, Fiduciary Duty is NON EXISTENT, they just want your money as proven by their actions.

JUST AFTER the 15:1 RS and Before the 100:1 Reverse Split, - CEO Sonny Bal having one of the, now extinct, one way Investor Conference Calls where he Declared that the "$1.00 Min Bid was in the Rear View Mirror and they could move forward" NOW here we are at basically ONE CENT after that WAY TO MOVE FORWARD Sonny Bal. Lie after lie after lie. SEC needs to step it up and bring out the cuffs. Multiple people at sintx should be behind bars for fraud. Sintx hiding from EVERYONE now, is it shame or are they literally afraid of people now and constantly looking over their shoulders for the 100’s of MILLIONS of dollars stolen from investors to enrich themselves? If I did that to as many people as Sintx has I’d be looking over my shoulder for sure. Insane behavior by a public company, theranos jr for sure as stated above.

Lying Sonny Bal said the days of being under 1.00 were long gone. After a 100/1 reverse split sending share price over 10 dollars, it’s taking no time at all to reach NEW ALL TIME LOWS and be back under a dollar today most likely. Lu would expect lawsuits from shareholders at this point, sintx flat out lied to everyone about keeping share price over 1.00 for good. Back to non compliance with nasdaq and expect pump and dumps and another reverse split from sintx, all they know how to do. Hopefully SEC comes knocking on their doors and hopefully nasdaq takes the garbage out finally.